We Will Meet In The Moonlight

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Chapter 5- this one's for you (of mice & men)

The week went by slowly since Austin was too tired after getting up early and going to practice for hours. Who scheduled a football game in the middle of June? Regardless I spent my extra time reading, watching TV, drawing and other things lazy teens do. I sigh leaning back on my chair, I feel like I went through all of tumblr. Oh tumblr, why doth you disappoint me?

"Alan!" My mother calls from downstairs. "We're leaving soon"

I see time disappoints me too. If it wasn't for Austin I would put up a fight. Which, I win because they can't figure out what's wrong with me and gave up. But alas, I go tonight to support Austin and I'll only complain when guys aren't taking their shirts off. I'll complain even more when Austin isn't... I need to stop thinking that. I throw a Grey beanie and walk down stairs letting my black vans pat quietly on the steps.

"Finally" Molly sighs flipping her golden, curly hair over her shoulder. "Can we go now?"

I hear keys jingle behind me but keep watching the floor. I follow behind Angie and get into the back seat of our SUV. This is stupid, what's so great about football? I click open my iPhone to see Austin texted me: 'meet me after the game?'. It made my heart jump a little and I quickly typed back yes. What could he want? Probably not to go out, he'll be exhausted and sweaty. My phone buzzed again revealing another message from him: 'fantastic, meet up at the tennis courts'. Done I text back eagerly, I can't wait to see him again. But a small bit of fear runs through my veins, what if he's going to get all his buddies together and beat me up and make fun of me? But Michael wouldn't let that happen would he? He'd stop it once he caught wind of it... I hope. My anxiety came on even stronger when we pulled into the crowded parking lot. People. I hate being around big crowds. If there is this many cars there is at least twice the amount of people. I step out of the car and follow behind my family as they walk across the parking lot towards the large stadium. The closer we got, the louder the band got and stronger the smell of nachos and hot dogs became. Once we reached the entrance we climbed up the metal steps and began to look for a spot that would accommodate the floor of us but we could easily see Mike playing. Finally, we found one at the end, though we were quite squished. I sat myself between my father, who smelt like someone elses perfume, and my mom, who looked and smelt like she was drowning out my father's affair with whisky and vodka. Yay family. Behind us sat an old lady who would constantly ask the mom what what going on and which one her grandson is. It wasn't as bad as the kid in front of us who couldn't sit still and complained he was hungry. But when the mother gave him a chip he would scream that he didn't like that and the mother didn't care enough to get him something else. I noted that we were in the first quarter and let out a long sigh before slouching over on my phone.

After too long of being bumped into and people screaming in my ear, a abruptly got up and walked off the bleachers. My parents stopped being concerned awhile ago, they know I'll come back even if they don't want me to. I escape the heat of the arena into the cool summer night. Though it wasn't cold, I tugged my sweater closer to me. As I walked through the parking lot I hummed quietly to calm myself, disregarding the band playing in the background. Next thing I know I ran into something. Probably a car, I need to stop looking at the ground. I look up to see it was a man I had bumped into. I scrambled for an apology but no words formed as always.

"Hey kitten" a familiar voice says. Austin! Wait isn't he supposed to be playing?

"Not one for half time?" He chuckled. Right, I guess they don't play now.

I slightly shake my head no.

He laughs again and ruffles my hair. "See you at the tennis courts kitten" he says before running off. Kitten. It's such a cute nickname. I wish I had one for him, or could at least talk for him. I watch the line of boys run back onto the field. With a sigh, I trudge back to the bleachers.

What a long and boring two quarters that was. Though there was a lot of abs being shown when jersys came off. I lost my parents in the crowd which was fine because they'd think it'd be weird wandering off. Plus, I have plenty of time since this is the first game, there's a bonfire a lot of the kids go to; Including Molly and Mike so I'll catch a ride home from one of them or Austin. I don't really wanna go unless Austin is going. Maybe he'll take me to a new place tonight. I leaned my back against the fence until I heard footsteps to my left. I look up to see Austin's face turn from mischievous to disappointed. I think he was trying to surprise me but failed with his heavy steps.

"I was trying to sneak up on you." He laughs.

"I realize" I squeak trying to talk for him

I see a look in his eyes I haven't see in a long time. Proud. He was proud of me.

"Did you enjoy the game?"

Mostly the abs, specifically your abs. "Yes" I nod. Pride passes through his eyes again. He's so happy I'm talking.

"Good" he stands directly in front of me giving me a new appreciation of his hight. "Are you going to the bonfire"

"If you are" I reply. He's not moving closer, no way it's all in my mind.

"It sounds fun" he smiles. I love his smiles, they're always so authentic. I nod yet never leave his intoxicating eyes. His perfect eyes with soft black orbs that contrast the whiteness of his eyes in the night were so hypnotizing. I couldn't look away if I tried. He places his hand gently on my cheek. This isn't happening. Austin Carlile? The hot popular guy in school is about to kiss Alan Ashby, the weird kid who doesn't talk? This is... this is improbable! But it happens, so naturally. His soft lips brush mine then pauses waiting for a fight. But I don't fight back. I let him. I let his lips once again touch mine so softly, like if he touches to hard my lips will shatter off. But our warm lips melt together into one. His hands rest at my hips and mine mimic his actions and I feel his rough jeans against my fingertips. My stomach was in knots and my heart was pumping at a mile a minute but right then in there, the world stopped for a moment leaving Austin and I in new ecstasy.

"I knew it" he smiles as he pulls away. I drop my hands to my sides sadly knowing I must let go. What does this mean?

"Come on kitten" his arm slings over my shoulder. "Let's go to the fire"

What the bloody hell just happened.

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