Have A Smoke Pour a Drink

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Chapter 2- Love Like War (All Time Low ft. Vic Funetes)

All this sneaking out of the house gives me an adrenaline rush. I'm just so thrilled to go see Austin all the time. He keeps coming to my window asking if I want to go out. Not that I'm complaining, He's so cute but I don't think he sees me that way. I am just a guy who saved him one night and we became friends I think. Now we're on the way to this movie theater on the outskirts of town and he seems so happy. Like this life we got going outside of his day time life is better. I think we both need our secret nighttime life.

"Alan!" The usher, Larry says as we enter the run down lobby. "So great to see you"

I nod and hug him back quickly.

"Still not much of a talker huh? Well go choose your movie it's on me tonight" he smiles

I nod leading Austin to the counter where I buy popcorn for us. The girl, about a year younger, couldn't have looked more bored. But I don't blame her, no one is here except us, it's a really old theater and it's like one in the morning. I enjoy coming here for the comedy movies. Today's future is Hot Tub Time Machine. We sit in the worn out, red seats and I hear Larry click the movie on. The story to this is a bit crazy but it's a well thought out movie. It's about these four guys who go to this old hotel they used to go to as teenagers and they knock over beer in the hot tub causing it to take them back in time. So they try to do everything the same so they don't change the future and overall it's hilarious, even Austin enjoyed it. When we walk out we stop by Larry's booth thing.

"Glad you enjoyed the show" he chuckled, his white mustache bouncing with every word. "Hey, do you and your friend still like doing shit?"

Austin looks at me curiously.

I nod and Larry leads us into the break room where we see the girl on the couch lighting a blunt. Austin and I take a seat on the couch across from her and Larry sits next to the girl and pulls out Jack Daniels and weed from the white drawer of the coffee table.

"Nice" Austin agrees to the substances laid before us. We passed the blunts around and all got glasses of alcohol.

"Should I even ask why you have that?" Austin asks pointing at the poster that says 'say no to drugs'

"It's just a joke we keep around the office" the girl, Alice, chuckles.

At his point the buzz kicks in and I chuckle softly and my head droops to Austin's shoulder. We spend about an hour asking physiology questions before Austin suggest we go home.

I pout.

"Come on kitten." He ruffles my hair. "It's getting early"

I laugh at the awkward sentence but agree.

I must've blacked out the rest of the night because I woke up in bed in need of a shower. I groan, heading over to the medicine cabinet and taking three pills of Advil. I turn on the shower and feel the anxiety creep up. I never really liked water. I undress then get in anyways despite the tightness I feel in my chest. The warm water flows over my hair and down my body relaxing aching muscles from the night before. I still don't remember getting home but I'm fine right? My phone starts ringing, Something In The Way by Nirvana. I ignore the call since I don't talk and I like the song. I finish then turn off the shower and wrapping a white towel around the waist I click open my phone and see it was just some random number who called and didn't even leave a message. I sigh throwing my phone back on the counter and getting dressed. Last night felt great. It wasn't intense drugs so I can't really complain or feel guilty. I'm still good.

"I'm having friends over" Michael pops in "wanna play Xbox with us?"

I shake my head no before sitting at my desk.

"You're always welcome to join" he mumbles walking out.

I know he's just trying to be kind but it's annoying. I don't talk, I'll just intrude on his friends or whatever. I prefer sitting up here and drawing random pictures with song lyrics.

I must've been drawing for hours whilst listen to music (and occasionally checking tumblr every five minutes), since I looked up and it was dark. Oops. The rain pats down heavily as I turn on some Christmas lights I strung up since I need light but the light on the ceiling was too bright. I yawn, stretch then go down stairs to get some water.

"Hey Ashby" a voice says from behind causing me to jump and spill my water. I turn around to see Austin is the person who started this mess but I couldn't stay angry at him. I rip some paper towels off the roll and begin to mop the mess. Austin mimics my actions but since there was just a small pool of water he was very close to me, like touching. I hide my blushing face from him in the dimly lit kitchen.

"Sorry kitten." He smirks. "All the guys fell asleep in a sugar coma and I got bored....so I came to look for you"

I nod taking the wet paper towel ball and throwing it it the trash. I'm not sure what he's planning since the rain is coming down pretty hard and I will not go out if I have even the slightest chance of getting wet. He watches me curiously as if I'll say something, but I don't, I just walk up the creame coloured steps with something deep down inside me hoping he'll follow and he does. I lead him into my room that I keep very neat thank god. I have a small bed in the corner, a closet, a door leading to my bathroom, a desk with my laptop and drawing material and of course, band posters and drawings scattered around the walls.

"I love your room!" He exclaims plopping down on the bed and examining every inch of my walls. "It's so.... You"

I look at him curiously, he barely knows me.

"See, you are small and clean but your mind is cluttered with things wanting to be expressed, hence the cluttered walls."

I feel my lips curve up into a smile because it's true.

"If you ever want someone to talk about stuff, I'm your man"

"Want to help me hang up pictures?" I say quietly.

He smiles so brightly. "I'd love to" he says so sincerely. I hand him my pictures and tape so he can tape and I can hang.

"You're really good at this aren't you?" He smiles looking at my drawing of Curt Cobain. I shrug modestly before hanging it on my wall next to the blink-182 poster I bought a while back.

"You know that night at the park?" Austin says handing me another taped drawing "I was going to kill myself that night. Like I prayed to find a reason to stay and I guess you were the result."

I push the drawings aside and sit next to him. Result... Is that a good thing or bad thing?

"I have friends but I feel like I can't talk about this stuff with them, you know? Your brothers a great guy but he's not much of a heart to heart kinda guy."

I guess mike isn't that way with his friends which I understand I'm family. He's trying to save me from myself, he really can't deal with another broken person. Michaels the oldest at eighteen, Molly is twenty and I'm seventeen. But Michaels friends with Austin from the football team since Austin made varsity his freshman year he's just that good.

"One day, kitten, we'll be okay, we'll be living in million dollar houses on the beach listening to classical music or something else terrible" he chuckles. I laugh too and realize how I've really fallen for this boy, and that's probably the stupidest thing I've ever done because he'll never feel the same.

"I know it's raining but lets go out" his eyes crinkle around the edges due to the forming smile

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