Little Red (MxF) Part 2

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*Gnoll Boyfriend!*

*Again, I do not own the photos. Full credit to the artists. You can find them by searching 'gnoll boyfriend' on google.*

I saw Tazz the next day, or his hulking figure, at the edge of the woods.

It still blew me away how dark the woods were, even with the morning sun shining down on my grandma's small clearing.

"You can come out, Tazz," I called as I sat in a rocking chair on the wooden porch with a steaming cup of coffee.

"I don't think you'd like what you saw," he called back but moved closer within the treeline, still covered in darkness.

"I wouldn't like what I saw if I didn't already know you, maybe, but I've never been shallow, and you of all...creatures...should know that," I rolled my eyes.

I listened to him growl and something about it deep and gravel-like down in his big chest had a jolt of energy rocketing straight south within my body.

And then I had to mentally chastise myself because it was much too early to be feeling those kinds of feelings...there, anyway.

But when I looked down at my cup and saw that my nipples had peaked as well, I crossed my arms over my chest and blushed and wondered if he could tell what I was thinking or if he had been able to sense things as well as he had when we were younger.

He seemed to know all of my moods, being more clingy and touchy when I was upset, making me laugh until I had tears rolling down my cheeks when I was sad, and usually kept his distance when I was angry.

Leaves crunching caught my attention and I turned to see him moving closer, his silhouetted head tilted up and his snout-like nose sniffing.

And then those eyes that I had seen yesterday pointed my direction and he made a noise at the back of his throat before he backed away.

"Chette, you need to go inside. I'm sure Rosa has your breakfast ready," he said in a short tone and when I stood up and a sudden gust of wind blew past me that had my nightgown billowing around me and into the trees, I watched him stiffen before he disappeared.

"The fuck," I whispered but made my way inside and had breakfast with my grandmother before getting dressed to help her around her place.


I didn't see Tazz for the rest of the weekend. I called for him Saturday evening but I got no response. I called for him Sunday morning--no response.

And when I had to leave, I kept my eyes on the treeline on the way down the path to my car, hoping to catch a glimpse of him...

But nothing.

I thought I saw something huge running in the treeline as I drove down the gravel road that led to my grandmother's road but it stopped at the edge of the woods.

I hated that I wasn't able to stay longer but I was grateful that I got to see my grandmother again... And I was grateful to remember and talk to Tazz again.

Hoping, praying, and wishing was I, that summer break would hurry up and come soon.


"You have to, Blanchette," My mother said with her brow raised.

"Again, mom? Seriously? I was just out there! Grandmas fine! I saw her with my own two eyes, for Christ's sake," I cried out in frustration as I sat at the island while she made dinner.

My mom huffed but continued to chop the carrots.

"I don't understand what happened since then but you said you had a great time with her during winter break," she insisted and brought the carrots to the pot behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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