When You Blame Yourself

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So, everyone knows how it feels to blame yourself. Especially when it's about something that wasn't even your fault, but somehow you make yourself believe that it is your fault. We've all been there and when you ask the question, "Why is it your fault?" we either have a long thought-out reason or none at all. It kills you.

But have you wondered the reason why we thought like that? Why we blame ourselves and not anyone else? Is it because we truly believe that it wasn't that person's fault? Is it because we don't want them to be hurt? If that's the case, why would you say that you're a bad person? You care about others and therefore, will take all the blame. We hurt ourselves for others that way. We care for them. You care for them. That's good but we need more self love. I'm not saying that you should start blaming others. There's a saying that goes like this:

Those who blame others are far away.
Those who blame themselves are half way there.
Those who blame no one have already reached their destination.

We're half way there. We have to start blaming no one. No one deserves anything bad wished upon them (unless their rapists or things like that). Nobody deserves to be blamed. If you can't find a reason, let it go. Breathe and look forward. That's what we need, right? To look forward. Forget. Forgive and forget more like. So stop blaming yourself. Stop blaming others. And start blaming no one. Have a better day. I hope this small talk helped😙💖 And don't forget to vote and comment!

Don't blame others when something goes wrong. Don't blame yourself endlessly, either. Just find ways to do it differently next time.
- Karin Ireland

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