Real Relationships

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Some of you suffer from toxic relationships; whether it be with your friends, family or lovers. Some people try to change you for the worse and not for the better. Some people just want things from you. Some people who you consider your closest friends probably stabbed you in the back.

Toxic people are everywhere in the world. I know that what I'm talking about might seem totally basic and stupid and something everybody should already know about but there are people out there who don't notice when their relationships turn toxic.

Firstly, what are toxic relationships? Toxic relationships are when you are treated badly by your friends, your family or anyone, all the time. This could include, fake friends, abusive parents, abusive partners, etc. Actually, having to be in a toxic relationship could also count as a form of abuse.

We've all seen the fake friends thing, gold diggers, and all that other stuff. They are all a form of toxic relationships. So, as you can see, it's a pretty big problem. It's the same as when people have no idea that they're being abused. I've actually been in a few toxic relationships. Mostly with fake friends. They always used me to get stuff and sometimes would even ask me to do their school work. I don't remember if I ended up doing it or not but what I do know is that when that was happening, I was a push-over. So I probably just said "yes" to everyone.

At the time, I was kind of fine with it. I didn't see it as people just wanting to be friends so that they could get stuff and I definetly didn't see it as toxic. I saw it as favours. And I was a people-pleaser so it didn't exactly bother me. I only cared that everyone was happy. But soon, I became uncomfortable and annoyed when people asked for things and even though I wanted to say "no", it was like that word didn't exist in my vocabulary. I had a few friends who noticed what went on and they tried to change me. Not in the bad way, in the good way. They taught me how to actually get "no" out of my mouth and always backed me up when someone asked for my things since, they wouldn't always return it.

They weren't fake but that doesn't mean I stayed with them. As I began the journey of speaking up for myself, I got fewer close friends. In my opinion, that was a good thing because I liked to stick to one or two people at the most. A crowd was annoying but we still talked and made up jokes when my besties weren't at school. It was all good. I also lost some friends because they were my fake friends that were using me. They didn't really care about me. And as payback, I kind of used them to do things for me but I didn't overwork them or abuse my power. I am a just queen. If I have slaves, I will treat them right Ù^Ú

Anyway, that's my story. I'm completely different now, thank God. My point is, if you're fine with whatever someone is doing to you, then I don't have a say. Maybe that's just how your relationship works. But if you're uncomfortable or annoyed with it, you have to say something because that person might not be around at your worst time and that really sucks, believe me.

Also, don't make the mistake of thinking that someone's trying to change you as a toxic relationship and cut ties with them because there's a difference between a good and a bad change.

If they are trying to change you in a good way, it would usually include these:
• Making you more confident in your hobbies, work, yourself, etc.
• Helping you stand up for yourself
• Raising your self-love levels
• Lowering your temper meter
• Helping you understand things

There's more but it's usually those 5 points.

Another thing, when you friend, family member, etc. can't be there for you at the moment because of whatever reason, don't jump to conclusions and get mad at them. You also have to remember that the world does not revolve around you. They also have things that they need to do so you can't expect them to be there all the time. Just keep that in mind...

You have to find real and meaningful relationships. Associate yourself with people that you are sure will be there for you and care about you. Those are the people that make time to talk to you, don't ask for shit all the time and are able to make a list that runs for hours on end about how great you are. Those are the people you should keep. Never yeet them out of your galaxy and into the sun for stupid reasons. You never know when you're gonna need them more than anybody else. And those people with toxic relationships, be sure to send them to Jupiter. They don't deserve you.

I hoped this helped you figure out who your real friends and family are. I'm always here if you need to talk. Don't forget to vote and comment! I love you all!❤💞💖

If someone wants you,
Nothing will keep them away.
But if they don't want you,
Nothing will make them stay.
- Bhavik Kalariya

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