Reasons To Stay

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Hewo. So today, we're gonna talk about...something that many of you face. I do too sometimes. Let's get to the point, suicide. Everyone knows what that is, right? So no reason to say that terrible word anymore. And if you are someone who wants to help people who are depressed, have anxiety, etc. then a bit of advice, don't be like totally blunt. Use euphemism. It helps. If you don't know what euphemism is, it's a play on words to soften the blow. Mostly having to do with dying (this is me being blunt; if I wasn't and I was using euphemism, I would say something like, "going to a better place").

I know that most of you won't believe me when I say, we all have a reason to stay. Even after all that crap we had to go through, there must be something that's stronger than the hate for the world. For me, it's the love for my friends and family. And even though they can sometimes be toxic (specifically, my mother), I still love them.

I thought I outright hated my mom. Like, I wanted her to die. But my aunt made me realize that even though I hate her guts, I still love her. In a messed up way. And I know that wishing death and misfortune on someone is a BIG sin, it's still not as bad as taking your own life. I'm not saying that it's ok to wish bad things to happen to someone, it's really not. I'm just saying that suicide is one of the worst sins you can commit. You don't wanna be going to hell for it.

Anyway, there are many reasons to stay. You just have to find it. And if you still haven't found it, you're really not looking hard enough. If you care for my sanity, you'd wait till it's your time and not just say it is and take your own life... I care about all of you a lot and don't want to live with thoughts like I couldn't help you and you're out of my life now... I enjoy every bit of your company. Wattpad has actually made me gain more friends than I ever could in my normal life and I'm so thankful for that. For every friend I have on here, know that you have a friend too, all my 200+ followers! And nothing would hurt me more than knowing you gave up and are gone forever...

If even one of you committed suicide, I'd starve myself to death. Or jump off the mountain like I wanted to a long time ago... Please, find a reason to stay... I promise you, the beauty will outweigh the pain💖

I also reccomend to listen to that song all over again till the end. It's really beautiful just like all of you. Listen to the words and think about this... I love you all!❤💗💖💞💘💝

The ones who love you will never leave you. Even if there are a thousand reasons to give up, they will find one reason to hold on.
- Motivational Quotes Den

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