Chapter Seven B: Aldo and Jeff

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'JUMP OUT!!!' Slink screamed, as he and the others started to run after Matthew.

Jump out, panicked Matthew? Is he crazy? Cratey's pace had picked up considerably. He wasn't going to do that. Slink screamed something else but Matthew, being too far away now, couldn't make out a single word.

Soon, Matthew crossed the tree line. He was now alone, surrounded by forest.

'Oh, crud,' Matthew suddenly yelled, seeing the bump in the lantern's beam.

It was a big bump and Cratey was launched up into the air before slamming back onto the track and continuing on.

Further down, there was a narrow stream, and as Cratey didn't have a windshield, Matthew's face got absolutely soaked, water getting into his eyes. He couldn't see anything now, including the sharp turn up ahead.

Matthew began to scream for dear life, not knowing what was happening. He didn't even know he had left the track and entered into the trees until he hit something and was launched, once again, into the air. He kept on screaming until he felt Cratey fall from under him. The sensation of flying through the air while going through a torrent of branches was quite something.

It was at least two flips later when Matthew stopped with a crunch, a relatively soft bush kindly getting between him and a massive boulder. He didn't even see the boulder until he had wiped his eyes and the lights from several flashlights were swarming around him.

'Matthew!!!' he heard his pursuers shout.

Matthew sat up and grabbed his arm. It was bleeding from a shallow cut. Accept for plenty of scratches, it was his only injury.

Shortly, he was surrounded by familiar and welcome faces.

'Are you all right?' said John, helping Matthew to his feet.

Dusting himself off, Matthew replied, 'Yeah, I'm fine.'

'What are you smiling for?' Chloe asked him.

Matthew was indeed smiling and it was a great big one too. 'Although I was scared out of my mind, what just happened was thrilling.'

'You're nuts,' said John.

'Did you see Cratey?' asked Matthew. 'I'm sure I heard it crash while I was in the air.'

'Yeah, we saw Cratey,' replied Slink. His tone was not encouraging.


'Smashed to smithereens I'm afraid,' said John.

'Sorry about that,' said Matthew, disappointed.

'It's not your fault, the brake pedal broke off,' said Chloe.

As they collected what was left of Cratey, Slink took Matthew aside and said, 'Apart from the crashing thing, I was quite impressed with your driving.'

'Really? I was just trying not to die.'

'Half of racing down the track is trying not to die.'

Astrid, Jennifer, Norman and Ramon were waiting for everyone next to their carts at the top of the hill.

'Where were all of you?' asked Norman. 'Were you practicing the first corner or something? And what are you lot carrying?'

'Cratey,' said Chloe.

'What?' snapped Jennifer, shocked. 'Did someone crash?'

'I crashed,' said Matthew.

Matthew and the Chimney Sweeps: Book One (Completed, Editing)Where stories live. Discover now