chapter 7: a new vault

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You head out with the fat amount of caps as you try to figure out what to do with it.

Y/n: maybe I should ask nora what to do with it

As if the universe, or the author has a sense of humor a familiar voice in heavy gigantic power armor hugs you from behind, this would break a normal person in half get the idea why it doesn't.

Y/n: nora, I was just thinking about you

Nora: where have you been?! I was looking everywhere!!

Y/n: it's a long story, look right now I need to ask you something
I just got a boatload of caps but it's so much money that I don't really know what to do with it, don't ask where I got I'll tell you later right now I need an answer

Nora: why? how much do yo- HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK!! sorry that just caught me off guard

Y/n: what should I do with this money anyway?

Nora: I'll be honest, I don't have a damn clue, but hold onto it for now

Y/n: you sure you dont want it?

Nora: that's nice of you but I have more than enough anyway

Y/n: ok then, hmmm...

Nora: well, one thing I'd love to be able to do is fix up the vault but I have more than enough caps for that

Y/n: well, you can go and do that now, I have some thinking to do

Nora: ok, be safe

You take off her helmet and kiss her cheek causing her to blush as red as her hair.

Nora: O\\\\\\O

Y/n: you too

You hear out on your own in the wasteland encountering more creature more raiders more things that want to kill you yadda yadda yadda here's the interesting part.
While you're fighting which your way of fighting is just tanking hits until you knock them out sense they have no sense to run and you end up falling through the floor and into an old cavern with the rocks blocking your exit back and no way to climb up.

Y/n: forward it is then

You keep going until you see a vault door, you get curious and as you get closer your curiosity fades until you have a feeling of dread as you read which vault you stumbled onto.

Y/n: aw hell na!!

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Y/n: aw hell na!!

You start to run back and climb your way up but it's no use, you just slip and fall even using knives as leverage you can't climb up and you can't dig through the passage.

Y/n: fuuuuuck...I know I'm indestructible but still...

You just sigh in defeat as you head towards the vault and press the button, it's just static on the other end.

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