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"Why...Why aren't they moving to the city?" Amiya questioned herself. Move the city? What is she talking about? Cities can't move or can it?"

"Amiya what are you talking about? Cities can't move."

"Ah, Doctor are you confused? I forgot to tell you that the city we are in, Chernobog."


"Are we going to like, pack the city in a small bag and walk off?"

"Hehe, that's funny Doctor but no, we will talk about this when we have time but right now we need to regroup with Nearl." Doberman stepped into our conversation.

"And Amiya?"


"Didn't Dr. Kal'tsit told us a catastrophe is going to happen soon?"

"Yes, that's why I don't know why reunion hasn't made their move yet...unless"
"Unless they want to destroy this city right?"

"Right Doctor!"

A catastrophe, from what little memory I have of it is that I know it is dangerous. Dangerous enough I guess to make cities semi-nomadic.

I pondered over our horrible situation, out-manned, out-gunned and even perhaps they have better equipment. *Sigh* This isn't going well is it?

"HEY HEADS UP, NEARL IS JUST UP AHEAD AND SHE SEEMS TO BE IN TROUBLE!!" Ayano's scream alerted us to what was about to be another brawl.
(Talulah POV)

I stood upon the burning walls of the once-great city known as Chernobog. How pathetic, so this is all that this city has? All the pain and misery you have caused us, us infected will finally be felt by this city's people. I gripped the handle of my sword tightly fastened to my hips, as I jumped down and regrouped with the main forces of Reunion. Everyone gave their attention to me, even without being able to see their faces I know that they are scared of me. Even if we are on the verge of victory I must confirm something myself. I must see her again because it might be... no, no reason for me to get my hopes up.

A person wearing shorts that are white with his top complimenting it with the same colour approached me.

"Ahhh Boss, it's nice to see that you are finally going to join us do the finishing move on this disgusting city."

Mephisto, Mephisto was this boy's name, for a child he has a few screws loose on his head.

"Mephisto, where is your friend? Faust right?"

"Right behind you ma'am" I quickly pulled my sword and pointed the tip towards his neck. He could do nothing but raise his hands in anxiety.

"U-u-umm what did I do?" He stammered his eyes looking everywhere to find fault on his actions. I retracted my sword as I realized it was just him. 

"It's fine Faust...Boss is just on edge right?" Mephisto said.

"Yes, after all, we are in deep territory and there might still be "rats" lurking around waiting for their move," I answered.

Faust regained his composure and asked me, "Don't we have the government of Chernobog under complete disarray?" He tilted his head as he wondered while putting a finger under his chin.

"Ahhh Faust my friend, I think you've forgotten something." 

"Mhmm? What might it be?"

"Of course it's R--

I stepped in to finish his sentence.

"Rhodes Island. I am not the type to believe rumours but, rumour has it that their precious "Doctor" is hidden within the city. From what we can gather they are already here and killed several of our squads." My words sparked some reaction from the Reunion members.

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