Chapter Three

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     "Is that so?" I responded with a hint of sarcasm to the young man's obvious attempt at flirting, then proceeded to take a sip of my almost empty drink. He locked eye contact and I saw his lips slowly curve into a smirk.

"Consider yourself lucky, mon cheri." After which, he gave me a suggestive wink.

(a/n: 'mon cheri' means my dear or honey in French.)

Hearing what he said immediately made me roll my eyes and direct my gaze somewhere else. I quickly tried to find something to focus on so we could drop the conversation. We were both slightly intoxicated and if I hadn't chosen to cut our conversation, it might lead to something we both would regret. The blinding lights coming from the main receiving area caught my attention, as well as the people who were getting trashed inside it.

"You come to places like this often?" I asked while continuing to observe the area. I even caught a glimpse of Kim Taehyung, also a member of BTS, heading upstairs with his hand interlocked with a girl's his age.

"No, not really. If it this wasn't our sunbae's party, we would've probably stayed at our guest house across the street." Yeonjun, who was now also facing the dance floor, replied. He let out a small burp after.

(a/n: 'sunbae' is a word Koreans use to refer to older people they work with.)

"By any chance, would you care to dance?" Yeonjun said while standing up and offering his hand.

I quickly wave my hand and shake my head in response, "No thanks, dude. I'm not really a dancer." He frowned and took my hand anyway, pulling me to stand up. "Let's just go outside for some fresh air, I really don't want to embarrass myself on the dance floor." I continued and saw his face brighten up. With his hand still holding mine, he led the way to the backyard where it was more mellow and less blinding.

The backyard had a luxurious looking pool and a mobile bar almost next to it. There were also a lot of lanterns hung up on strings which made everything look like a Netflix original movie set. Yeonjun led us to two pool chairs, he finally let go of my hand as he plumped down on the seat. I took in the scenery and the scenario before taking my seat and saw a few couples making out while in the swimming pool.

Good thing it wasn't as deep or else they would've drowned.

Yeonjun was about to say something when an angry voice shouted his name. "Yeonjun-hyung! What the actual fuck?"

Instantly, we both turned to the voice's direction and saw a really tall guy storming in our direction. "Woah, Soobin... calm down man!" Yeonjun says while putting both his hands up, like he was surrendering to the newcomer.

"I told you to help me sober up the maknaes. Hueningkai and Taehyun threw Beomgyu in the pool after you said you were busy and hung up on me. Now I see you're just flirting with some girl!" The young man huffed and Yeonjun just laughed it off.

"Really? Damn, I wish I got here sooner. Where are they now?"

"I'm serious, hyung." I saw the young man's eyes pierce towards Yeonjun. Yeonjun stood up and puts a hand on the taller man's shoulder.

"Calm down, Soobinie. I'll go handle the maknaes, in one condition." Yeonjun said in a cool and collected manner. The other man sighed and beckoned for Yeonjun to continue his request, "This girl," he said while pointing his thumb towards my direction, "Isn't just some girl. She's Namjoon-hyung's friend. He asked me to keep her company, that's why I said I was busy. Now if you really want me to take care of our precious maknaes, you'll have to take my place."

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