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I am so tired! One day, I am going to quit this job and live my own dream. No matter what happens, nothing is gonna get in my way. No mom, no dad, no Brian, no fashion. Nothing that matters to me is getting in my way.

"Come on Liz, my mom's waiting out for us." Marie said, sticking her head out the door.

I shook my head. "Sorry Marie, not today. I'm going over to James house after he gets off work."

She fully came in my office with a sneaky smirk.

I widen my eyes while pointing at her. "You stop right there missy, I am not gonna do anything with him."

"Well, how can I not think about it. You just gave me two key words. James and house." she quoted.

I rolled my eyes while grabbing my bag, shutting off the lights. "It's only for babysitting his brother and sisters. Nothing else."

"oh contraire my friend." she said ask I locked my office door.

We talked about what was going to happen tonight as we got out the building.

I waved over to Mrs. Garcia as she smiled back at me.

"Don't forget to call me when you get back home safely." Marie said slowly walking backwards.

"I won't" I smiled.

"And!.....use a condom." she winked.

"Marie!" I yelled while crossing the street.

Before I walked in the cafe, I turned to see Mrs. Garcia drive away with Marie.

There were a few costumers in the cafe.

I walked back to the kitchen to see James putting his uniform in his locker.

"Hey." I said putting my hands behind my back.

He turned his head towards me and smiled back. "Hey! Ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm really excited actually."

He chuckled. Eddie came back with his notepad, wearing his uniform.

"Hey guys. I should be done in the next twenty minutes. I'll probably be over at Marie's house." he said giving the cooker's next order.

I shook my head. "Yeah, thanks for telling me that. Next time, you guys shouldn't have sex when your working. It'll only make you guys sweat more." I smirked.

James laughed as we walked out the kitchen, leaving the cafe.

"So, were is your car?" I asked.

James took out his keys that was in his pocket and unlocked his car. It was a nice teal chevy truck.

"I like it." I said while opening the passenger door.

As we got in the car, I checked my cell to see that it was already 10:48.

He turned his car on and starts to drive on Queens.

"Lets do 20 questions." he said while looking at the road.

I bit my lip while looking outside my window.

"Mmkay, you start first?" I asked.


James: When were you born?
Izzy: I was born here in New York on August 23, 1988
James: Well you already know that I was born in Michigan. September 3, 1986
Izzy: What's your favorite color?
James: Turquoise
Izzy: Mine too!
James: -chuckles- Do you have a boyfriend?
Izzy: It's complicated..

-End of questions-

"What do you mean? he asked as he parked in front on a pale green house.

I cleared my throat while rubbing my neck. I was afraid of what he was going to say.

"Well, my mother is forcing me to marry someone that I don't even love. " I said nervously.

He frowned a bit, while taking my hand. "To be honest, I never had a girlfriend."

My eyes widen. "Seriously? Why is that?"

He shrugged his shoulders while getting out the car. "I don't know. Sometimes I think girls don't appreciate what I do for a living."

"Well then, something must be wrong with their ears and eyes. You have a gift of talent James. You're really good at what you do best" I slightly smiled at him.

He turned his arm of and smiled back.

I noticed that shadows were by the windows.

"Don't worry, that's my sisters. They're so nosy." I said a little annoyed.

I giggled as he opens the door.

"Jammy's here daddy!" I heard two little voices speak loudly as we enter.

I laughed. "Jammy?"

He groaned. "They keep calling me that. It gets really annoying after a while."

He ran his fingers through his hair while dragging my arm. "Dad! I'm home."

We were already in the kitchen, and I spotted a cute little boy with blonde hair, coloring a picture.

"Hey Nate, where's dad?" James asked his little brother.

He looked up from his picture and smile. Awwwe! He has dimples!

"He's waiting for Gabby" he said staring at me.

James nodded while walking away from the kitchen. "I'll be back."

I nodded at him while walking towards Nate.

He looked up at me and smiled. "My name is Nate."

"Hi Nate. My name is Lizzie, but you can call me Liz." I grinned back at him.

He is so adorable!

I looked at his drawing.

"Who are you drawing sweetie?" I asked.

He frowned a little. "Mommy."

"Is she okay?" I asked a little worried.

Nate looked back at me with a sad expression. "Daddy told me that she's in heaven now. He told me that she's happy now and that I should be happy too, but I'm not. I want her here with me."

Every word that came out of his mouth made my heart tear to pieces.

I grabbed a chair and sat next to him. "Well, I have a secret to tell you. And you gotta promise me that you wont tell anything."

He nodded slowly as his eyes lit up full of wonder. "I can speak to angels in the sky. They say that your mommy is always gonna be here with you. You may not see her, but she can see you." I said putting one hand on his cheek.

"How do you know?" he asked softly.

"Because, now she's an angel. Everyone that's in heaven is an angel. She told me to tell you that she's proud of you and that she wants you to be strong for her. She loves you very much." I smiled at him.

"Can you tell her, that I miss her?" he asked wiping his tears.

I nodded while picking him up on my waist.

He wrapped his little arms around my neck, laying his head on my shoulder.

I turned around and noticed that James was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Did you hear everything?" I mouthed to him.

He nodded with a 'thank-you' smile.

Out of the ordinary, James fell to the floor, being tackled by his two-twin sisters.

"You must die Jammy!" one of them said.

"You took our candy! Now you must face the consequences!" the other said.

"No no! It wasn't me, I swear!" James said with a baby voice. "Please! Princess Molly and Mandy. I beg of you!"

Me and Nate started laughing.

"Take him to the dungeon filled with rattle snakes!" Nate said as I put him to the floor.

I shook my head, seeing how happy the kids are with James.

He looked at me and got out of the girls grip while running towards me.

"Never! I shall take the girl and keep her as my queen." he announced, picking me up bridal style.

I screamed in between laughter. "Save me children!" I cried, putting my hand on my forehead.

The kids started chasing James all over the house.

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