Crazy Saturday

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The sun shined right through my drowsy eyes.

As I stretched my arms and legs out, a knock on my door alarmed me.

"Lizzie. Me and your mother are going out, but Brian is here. See you later hun."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright dad."

Good thing that today is Saturday.

Every Saturday morning, I take a jog to the park with Marie at 9:30 a.m.

Soon as got out of bed, my cell phone started to ring.


I pressed the 'talk' button, then put the speaker button.

"Morning hun" I yawned.

I walked to the bathroom and turned the water fossett on.

"Good morning boo! You getting ready?" she replied.

I start to brush back and forth with the toothbrush in my mouth.

"Yeah! I'm just brushing my teeth." I said with the toothpaste suds on my lips.

I spit into the sink while washing my mouth out.

"Hey! What happened last night with you and your baby." she cheered softly.

Just as I was about to reply, I was interrupted by Brain who opened my room door without knocking.

"Hey, can I borrow some money? Me and the guys are going out to the movies." he said tapping on the door.

I rolled my eyes while pushing him out of the room. "Ever heard of knock? And you should get a job you slob." I said before slamming the door into his face. I locked it just in case he was gonna try and open the door again.

"What was that about?" Marie chuckled.

I tied my hair in a messy bun and scoffed. "Brian just asking me for money."

"What he really needs, is a freakin job." she chuckled.

"That's what I told him!" I laughed. I stripped naked and turned the shower on.

"Honey, let me call you when I leave the house, I'm about to take a shower. Love you!" I said, making kissy noise.

"Mmkay, love you too." she replied.

I pressed the end button and turned the radio on.


After I got dressed, I skipped down the stairs, seeing Brian dressed up.

"Whoa. Are you going to the movies looking fancy like that?" I asked walking to the refrigerator.

He shook his head. "Nah I think I'm gonna bail on the movies. I decided to go somewhere else."

I shrugged. I didn't really care what Brain going.

"What about you?" he asked turning his head towards me.

While I grabbed a red apple from refrigerator, I looked at him scrunching my eyebrows together. "Why do you care?"

Brain looked away while playing with his phone. " reason."

I rolled my eyes at him and texted Marie, letting her know that I am on my way.

As I finished eating my apple to the core, I threw it in the trash can and slipped my phone into my pocket.

"See ya" I said as I rushed out the house. The last thing that I heard from him was ''Be safe''


Really weird...


"I told you so! Oh my gosh! I was right, and you were wrong!" Marie cheered as we jog around the park. I knew I shouldn't have told her about yesterday.

"Yea yea, I know." I chuckled. We've been jogging over an hour now without taking a break. She forces me every Saturday.

As I jog past the playground, I notice some familiar faces. I turn and smile at the sight of Nate swinging on the baby swing while James is pushing him.

An idea suddenly pops into my head.

"Hey Marie" I say, turning my head towards her again, "We've been jogging for an hour. Can we at least have a five minute break? Possibly buying an ice cream cone."

She stop at her tracks while running her fingers through her long wavy hair. "Oh...what the hell." she grinned.

I sat at the nearest bench and paid her a five dollar bill. "I would like a vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles." I said sheepishly.

She nodded and jogged to 'Carvel' that was right across from the park. As I see that she is long gone, I quickly run towards the playground.

When James is not looking, I jump on top of him yelling, "Jammy!"

He was frighten at first, but grinned in relief when he saw my face.

"Hey Liz, what are you doing here?" He asked surprisingly.

Before I replied, I hugged Nate that was stand next to him. "Me and Marie come to the park every Saturday to get some exercise."

I turned my head over to see if Marie was on her way back. While squinting my eyes, I can see that she's holding two ice-cream cones.

"What about you guys?" I asked turning back around to face him.

He chuckled while looking down at Nate. "Why don't you ask this kiddo right here."

Nate giggled, waving at me.

I waved back quickly and turned my head around to check if Marie was still in the ice cream shop.

"Something wrong?" James ask, concern.

I bit my lip, hoping that Marie would have gotten in a long line or something like that. "Well, me and Marie are doing our hour jog here, and she's killing me" I say in exhaust. "She's across the street at Carvel right now."

It seemed as if James was about to say something, but he was interrupted by Marie's terrified scream.

Before I even turned around, Nate started to laughed his little head off.

I covered my mouth, holding in my laughter at the sight of Marie being chased by three fury squirrels.

"Get away! Get away! Lizzie help me!" she squealed.

Just as I was about to run up to her, James wrapped his arms around my waist, sending me chills down my spine as he whispers in my ear, "This is you chance to get away from her."

James turned me around slowly with a grin. "You can come to my place again."

I nodded with a smile as James grabbed Nate's hand and mine. I turned back to Marie who was still being chased by squirrels and was holding ice cream cones in her hands.

Marie is going to kill me after this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2012 ⏰

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