Babysitting part 2

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"Molly, Mandy. You two check in your brothers room while I go check mine." I heard James say.

Uh-oh, we're screwed. Nate crawled under his bed while I hid in his closet.

I could here the sound of James footsteps walking around the room. While moving back slowly, I accidentally knocked over James clothes which landed on me.

As the light shines on my eyes, while James stands there with a smirk, I start to laugh. I am such a klutz!

I covered my face so he couldn't see my face turn red.

His hands crawled on my arms while pulling me back up. "I suck at this game." I mumbled.

He chuckled while moving a strand of hair out of my face. I looked up at him shyly, looking down at the floor.

"Has anyone told you that your the most prettiest girl on the planet?" he whispered.

I shook my head slowly in disagreement. "Even if someone did, I beg to differ."

James eyes twinkled as he pulled me closer to him while running his hands threw my hair. "Well you are to me. No matter what." he said softly into my ear.

I could feel James hot breathe on my neck as his lips moved slowly up at down. I slowly gulp as he pushes me up against the wall. "I wanna kiss you so badly."

"But?" I moaned softly as he brushed his hands up my thigh.

"Nate is under my bed." he grinned. I gave him a 'how-did-you-know' look. "He always hides under my bed when we play hide-and-seek." he whispered.

James slowly backed up away from me while putting his finger on his lips. "Gee, I wish Nate was here. I think his favorite show, Adventure Time, is on." he said out loud.

"Adventure Time!?" Nate's little voice shouted, crawling out the bed. "You win James!" he said running out the room.

I laughed. "I love your brother and sisters. They are so cute." I said while sitting on his bed.

He sat next to me while putting his arm around my neck.

"I wanna know something, but I'm afraid that I might say something that might upset you." I said while laying my head on his shoulder.

"You shouldn't be afraid to tell me anything Liz." he whispered, playing with my hand.

I took a deep breathe while shutting my eyes tightly. "I wanna know what happened to your mom."

He paused for a moment while looking down at me, causing me to look up at him.

"Well, she.... She suffered breast cancer when Nate was three years old." he paused for a moment, bitting his lip.

I touched his hand as tears rolled down my cheeks. "James, I'm so sorry. I can't say that 'I understand' or 'I know what it's like'. But what I can say is, is that I know that your going threw a hard time with your family."

He sniffed while using his thumb to whipe his tears. "That means a lot Liz. I'm just glad that I have someone like you to be there for me when I need it."

I wrapped my arms around him while he did the same.

As I lay my head on his chest, I grabbed his hand while kissing it.

"Hey, I made this demo a few weeks ago. Wanna hear it?"

I nodded while sitting up as he reached for his blue laptop that was on the floor.

He grabbed a CD that said 'She's the one.'

Once he puts the CD in the computer, James pulled me closer to him while stroking my back.

I listened closely to the song while I intertwined my fingers with his.

His voice was beautiful when he sings. This song has been my officially favorite song.

I snuggled into James arms while shutting my eyes close while listening to James sing until it finished.

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