Prinxiety - Scars and Nightmares 2/2

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Warnings: Mentions of suicide


Roman's POV:

~3 Months Later~

Things are going well with Virgil. Actually, things are better than 'well', they're amazing. I'm so happy with him, and he seems happy to be with me. He smiles a lot more, like, an actual smile. He never used to do that. He laughs. He laughs at my jokes. That's the most amazing feeling. When your boyfriend laughs at your jokes.

I'm not saying everything has been perfect, we still have our fights and quarrels, but we're able to come to a compromise or one of us admits we were wrong. We're able to work through things. We have a healthy relationship. I love it. I love him. I'm in love with him. I'm in love with Virgil.

There's still one thing that's bothering me though, and that's what I found that day three months ago. A knife. A bloody knife. I haven't talked to him about it yet, but I plan on doing that soon. I hope he doesn't get mad. I mean, most importantly I hope he still isn't doing that to himself.

~2 Hour Time Skip~

I was sitting on the couch in the living room area reading a book, with my arm, draped around my emo nightmare's shoulders. He was scrolling through Tumblr, looking at art, I think, that's all I could make out of the corner of my eye. He would smile slightly ever so often, probably because he saw something he liked. God, how I love his smile.

Patton and Logan were sitting on the couch across from us, Logan was reading, and Patton was looking over his shoulder trying to figure out what he was so invested in. I always thought those two would be a cute couple. They have their differences, but they also get along really well and are comfortable talking to one another. I, for one, ship it.

"What are you thinking about, Princey?" Virgil's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him and noticed that he wasn't even looking at me. He was still scrolling through the pictures of art. That's when I realized I hadn't been looking at my book. My eyes had been fixed forward, so obviously it didn't take a genius to know that I wasn't reading anymore.

"Oh, you know, life." He smirked, "what's so funny about that?"

"That's a very broad topic," he took his eyes off his phone and looked up at me, "and when I ask you a question I'd like to know the answer to it." I sighed. Was it time? I leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"One thing was that I think Patton and Logan would make a cute couple," he nodded in agreement, "and the second thing isn't something I think I should talk about right here." I pulled away and he looked at me quizzically.

"You promise you'll tell me?"

"I promise." I couldn't say I wouldn't promise, that would make him more suspicious than he already was. Besides, I knew I had to bring it up before things got more serious between us. It felt wrong to keep what I knew from him, and I wanted to know if he was okay.

I looked over at Logan and Patton again, they hadn't seemed to notice what was just going on and were both too absorbed into the book. Patton had shifted a little closer to get a better view, and I thought I could see a light dusting of pink across Logan's cheeks. I smiled a little. This was too darn cute.

After finishing several chapters of my book, I put the bookmark in and closed it with a sigh. It was your classic romance novel, and I was living for it. Definitely one of the best ones I've ever read. It was really well written, and it had an amazing plot.

I leaned over and rested my head on Virgil's shoulder, he was using one of those color by number apps. From what I could tell, the picture he was coloring was a crocus flower. Without looking at me, he moved his head and planted a light kiss on my forehead, causing me to smile.

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