Logicality - Stars

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Warning(s): mentions of a car crash, mentions of drunk drivers


Logan and Patton were laying on a picnic blanket staring up at the shimmering stars. The two of them had been dating for four months now, and Patton had noticed how much Logan enjoyed astrology and looking up at the stars, so he had planned a date for them that revolved around all of that.

First, they had gone to the planetarium and had walked around for hours. Although Patton didn't get the same rush of excitement when learning about outer space, it was worth everything to him to see Logan smile as big as he had the entire time they were there.

Next, they went on a hike to pass some time. It wasn't a hike up a mountain, but rather a path that twisted and turned for a few miles. There were many different trees and plants growing along the sides of the trail, which is why Patton thought Logan would enjoy it. Logan would always point out different species of plants to Patton, which was enjoyable for them both.

Patton took Logan to his favorite restaurant for dinner and proceeded to take him to a park that almost never had anyone walking through it. He laid out a picnic blanket for both of them and placed the picnic basket in the middle of it.

The basket wasn't filled with food as Logan had expected it to be, but rather maps of the stars and different constellations. This caused Logan's eyes to light up with joy like a child receiving a new toy. Which in turn caused Patton to feel a sense of accomplishment for making his boyfriend so happy.

That brings us to the present, where Logan was using one of the maps and pointing out the different constellations to Patton, who didn't quite know where Logan was referring too, but nodded and made sounds of amazement anyway.

"Hey, Logie, can I ask you something?"

"You just did," Logan said, a small smile playing on his lips, "but yes, go ahead, Patton,"

"Did I do good?"

"With... what, exactly?"

"The date,"

Logan sat up and looked over at Patton who stayed on the ground, still looking up at the stars.

"Patton, today was perfect, and if I'm being honest, I'm not sure how you could possibly top today."

"Heh, thanks, Lo-Lo,"

"Of course, I wouldn't lie to you, but, if I may, did you think today was supplementary?"

"No, well, maybe... I guess I just wanted to make sure you had fun today. I had... I had doubts in the back of my mind, is all."

"Patton, I will appreciate anything you ever do for me. It doesn't have to be as extravagant as what you did today. I will love anything and everything you do, no matter how big or small it is."

Patton nodded and felt as if a weight was lifted from his chest. All his life he had felt as though in order to be the best possible boyfriend he would always have to sacrifice everything and outdo himself with every date or he was a failure. But after having been with Logan, even for a short time, these things he had thought started to wash away. His insecurities were still there, and probably would be for a while longer, but he was learning to deal with them and talk about them rather than keeping everything bottled up.

"Do you want a hug?" Logan asked. Patton immediately sat up and wrapped his arms around Logan gently. Logan relaxed into the embrace and in turn, wrapped his arms around Patton.

Logan had never been the biggest fan of physical contact, but he didn't mind it if it would help his boyfriend feel better.

The two of them went back to looking at the stars for a bit longer, the occasional conversations floating between them until they decided it was time to go home.

Patton drove Logan to his apartment building and walked up to where he lived.

"I'll text you when I get home," Patton said after Logan had unlocked his door and taken the first step inside.

"Actually, it's getting pretty late, um, would you like to sleep here tonight?" Logan's face flushed slightly as the words fell from his lips. He knew there would be drunk drivers on the road at this time of night and he thought it'd be safest if Patton stayed over.

"Oh, yeah, sure, that'd be great, Logie, thanks," Patton smiled and Logan moved out of the way for Patton to come in.

They cuddled on the couch for a bit as they watched a movie before both passing out with small smiles across their faces.

And, because of Logan's intuition, Patton was saved from a fatal car crash that had happened just outside his apartment building. It happened during the time Patton would've arrived if he had left Logan's building at the time he had planned on leaving.

But, that didn't happen. Instead, Patton woke up in the morning embraced in Logan's arms rather than the hospital or not waking up at all.


I- yeah, I thought about having Patton get involved in the crash, not killing him, but just injuring him but then I kinda just wanted to write something nice so I just thought I'd mention it instead.

Take care :)


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