Logicality - Thunderstorms

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Logan's POV:

I woke up to a trembling figure beside me. I turned around and saw a wide-awake Patton staring out the window in complete horror as a loud clap of thunder erupted from the sky, a streak of lightning illuminating the sky soon after.

I loved thunderstorms and thought they were fascinating to watch, and the raindrops that danced on the roof were calming.

Patton, however, was terrified of them.

I gently put my hand on his shoulder. He jumped at the sudden touch but soon backed up into me hoping to feel comfort.

"Patton, can you turn around for me? Looking at it will only make it worse." I said softly. He did as he was told and flipped over to his other side, now facing me.

I pulled the covers over us and wrapped my arms around him. He immediately clung onto me and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I began to rub his back soothingly and whispered calming things into his ear.

His breathing soon went back to normal and he started to release his grip on me when another loud clap of thunder was produced from the sky, causing Patton to cling even tighter to me. I hugged him back tightly and rested my hand on the back of his head, pulling him even closer.

"Don't be scared, Patton, I'm right here," I said calmingly, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head.

He lifted up his head and looked at me. Tears were covering his face and I reached one hand out and wiped them away before cupping his face and giving him a reassuring look.

"Nothing is going to hurt you. We're in here, and it's out there. Besides, I'll protect you." He gave a half-smile at this, and nuzzled himself back against me, except this time he wasn't clinging to me. He only curled up against my chest and closed his eyes.

I wrapped him in my arms again, and let the sound of rain hitting the roof lull me back to sleep.


Sorry this is so short, I just wanted to write this and didn't want to drag it out and make it boring?

Have a good day/night/morning/evening/afternoon y'all~


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