Demus - Mysterious Package

57 4 3

Human AU


Janus's POV:

There was a knock on my door while I was in the middle of making dinner.

"That's odd," I said aloud to myself, "I'm definitely expecting someone, and I totally remember ordering something..." I trailed off and went over to open the door.

There was a box sitting right outside my door. It had To: Janus written on the top in black sharpie. Whoever had written it, their handwriting certainly wasn't the neatest.

I picked up the box and brought it inside, setting it on the dining table. I didn't have time to open it at this exact moment, I would do it once I finished cooking. I didn't want to burn anything.

I fixed up my plate with the meal I'd made and set it at my usual sitting place at the dining table before going over to the box.

It wasn't taped with the usual packaging tape, so it was easy to open without a pair of scissors. I gasped quietly at what was inside.

There was a bouquet of yellow acacias and a note inside the box. I worked as a florist at the local flower shop, which meant I knew exactly what these flowers meant, and my guess would be that whoever sent this box to me knew what they meant as well.

I put the flowers in a vase and set it on the counter separating the kitchen from the dining area before taking out the note and reading it.

"If you want to know who I am, the next hint is placed under the crooked siding panel," I read it aloud, immediately knowing where it was talking about. I ate my dinner, finishing as quickly as I could.

I went outside and towards the side of my house where the crooked siding panel was. This only happened because I had tried to fix it, but... well, let's just say there's a reason I'm a florist and not a carpenter.

There was another note stuck under the panel, which I took out and read immediately.

"The next place is where a child goes to have fun, but, you being you, broke your finger," I snickered, remembering that day so clearly. I was only six, and my best friend Remus and I were at the park. I thought it would be fun to walk up the slide, and ended up slipping and breaking my pointer finger. It's always been slightly off ever since.

I headed over to the park and looked all around the slide, finally finding the next note and a red rose taped under the slide.

"Do you remember where you had your first ever date? Go there and order what you normally get," I took the rose and notes I had accumulated in one hand and headed towards the ice cream stand. Where, in fact, I had had my first date when I was fifteen. The relationship itself didn't last very long, but the two of us stayed friends until he had to move, then we just slowly fell out of contact with one another.

I stepped up to the window and ordered what I normally did. The girl at the window raised an eyebrow before asking,

"Is your name Janus by any chance?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Oh, good, we've been waiting for you," she left the window and came back a few moments later with another rose and a piece of paper, "these are for you," she said and handed them to me.


"No problem, your ice cream should be done soon, and don't worry about paying, it was already covered by the guy who gave these to us," I laughed awkwardly, I mean, what exactly was I supposed to say to that?

The girl handed me my ice cream, I said thank you and left to go sit at the nearest picnic table to eat the ice cream and read the next note.

"The final place to go is the shop where you work, I'll see you there ;)" That's... odd if nothing else, the flower shop is closed on Sundays, how on earth was this person able to get in? Unless they broke in.

What if this was just a huge setup? Nonsense. There's only one person who knows about how the side panel is crooked, how I broke my finger, and what my favorite go-to ice cream order is... and that's- no way. It can't be, could it? Unless he's just playing a joke, which is entirely possible.

I finished my ice cream and headed towards the flower shop. I put my hand on the doorknob and twisted. It was unlocked. I stepped inside and looked around. There weren't any lights turned on, but the light coming through the windows made it easy to see.

I noticed a bouquet of different colored roses placed on the table closest to me with another note.

"I don't think I thought this all the way through, but I am still here, I just needed to sit down and collect my thoughts. I'm in the back." I took a deep breath and started walking towards the back room behind the checkout counter. I didn't know what I was expecting. I didn't know if this was a joke or not, or even if it was the person I thought it was.

With one final breath, I opened the door to the backroom and stepped inside.

"Hello?" I heard a voice call out.

"Hey," I said to the voice. I heard rustling in a corner of the darkroom. I strained my eyes to try and make out who it was, but it was too dark for me to see that well in this part of the store.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"About who you are?"


"I wouldn't, except I know how you sound, Remus. That's the one thing you didn't think about."

"That and taking into consideration when you'd actually open the box."

"Will you come out now?"

"Fine, I'm gay,"

"That's totally what I meant, and you know it," he groaned and stepped out of the dark corner he was hiding in.

"I'll take it you aren't mad?"

"No, I'm furious,"

"Not a good time, Jan,"


"It's fine,"

We sat in silence for a few moments, neither of us knowing what to do or say.

"So, I'm guessing this wasn't a joke?"

"Of course not,"

"Good," I leaned over and kissed his cheek, immediately turning bright red.

"You missed," he commented.

"I won't next time," I said, turning to leave.

"Wait," I turned back around to face him, and he pulled me in for a kiss. I returned it without hesitation.

"So," I started after we pulled away, "wanna come over to watch a movie?"

"Just a movie?" He winked.

"Yes, Remus, just a movie," I rolled my eyes and took his hand, guiding him out of the flower shop and towards my house.


Here's a longer Demus one-shot since the last one I wrote wasn't very long, or good for that matter.

School's pretty much over now, so I should have more time to write and shiz, which means I might be updating more frequently if I can keep thinking/finding good prompts to use.

Stay as safe as you can <3


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