Kachako (slight smut)

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Ochako pov:
I was sitting in class squeezing my thighs together trying not to focus on my heat. Bakugou had been teasing me all week and getting me like this but nether going through with it. I should have listened to Iida when he said I shouldn't have gone out bakugou. But katsuki was usually so nice! I looked over at him and he turned around smirking and winked at me. I sighed putting my head on my desk. "What's up girl?!" I looked up to notice Mina. I glanced over to katsuki and back to her, "boy problems huh?" She asked and I nodded.

"What's going on?" She asked and I sighed, it was normal to talk about this stuff with Mina. She always helped me with big problems and she was the expert at this stuff anyway. "Well, katsuki keeps teasing me, and won't go through with it!" I whisper shouted over to her. "I mean I know I pissed him off the other day but still!" I rested my head in my hand and Mina thought for a minute. "What's he doing exactly?" She asked and I looked over to him. "Slapping my ass when no ones looking, whispering things into my ear. Fuck he even reached down my blouse and unclipped my bra yesterday" Mina tried to stifle a laugh but I smacked her over the head. "Sorry.." she said smirking, "well?!" I asked impatiently.

"I think you should get pay back?" She said going back to her work. "What do you mean?" I shifted my seat closer to her desk. She put her pencil in her mouth thinking for a second "umm, you think number 7 is Russia?" She asked and I sighed. "One, I need help with my sex life, two, no it's not and three, this is a maths sheet the answer is 69 from the power of two minus square root!" (Idk these things sorry I'm like denki a literal dumbass) she giggled a big. "What!" I asked clearly annoyed "69" she replied. I grabbed her pencil and started poking her in the side with it. "Minaaaaa!" I whined, "alright alright!" I stopped poking her. "I mean like, act like really sexy and stuff around him and basically take charge and get him all flustered and stuff" aizawa started waking up and we had to pretend like we were actually doing work. I bit my pencil pretending to think while Mina wrote something down, which wasn't anything she wasn't even writing. Wait no she was drawing a cock...? He grumbled a 'little shits' before going back to sleep and I moved close to Mina again. "Alright that seems good enough except I don't think I could do it..."

"Of course you can! Come on go up to him and do something now!" She pushed me out of my seat and I mumbled a few insults at her going over to katsuki. "Hey do you have a spare pencil?" I asked leaning over his shoulder and he nodded. "Sure thing baby girl" he gave me a pencil and I leaned down further making sure to push my breasts into his back. "Thanks.." I whispered into his ear, I quickly nibbled his ear lobe and gave him a peck on the neck before grabbing the pencil and walking back to my seat. I threw the pencil over my shoulder not really needing it, "watch it!" I heard todoroki say from behind me. I turned around to see him rubbing his head. "Sorry!" I stuttered out and he looked at the pencil. "Is this bakugou's?" He asked and I nodded, "how do you know?". He showed me the pencil "it has die in capital letters printed onto it..". I heard Mina laugh and I grabbed it. "Of course it does..." I mumble turning back around. "So anyway was that good enough?" I asked Mina and she looked at me, "that was perfect keep that up and you'll be in his bed by tonight!". I quickly covered her mouth shushing her but she kept on laughing.

I sighed continuing my work and when the bell to signal lunch rang I thanked god. I quickly picked up my stuff about to put it in my bag before Mina stopped me, "no don't do that, drop your books infront of him!". I cringed "that's a bit cheesy and unoriginal..." she just pushed me over to where kirishima and sero where annoying him. "Oh hey" I say giving him a wave passing him. I let the books fall from my hands once I was infront of him and mumbled an "oops" as I bent down to pick them up, I could feel katsuki's stare on my ass. I didn't rush though and once I picked them up I stood up brushed off my skirt and gave katsuki a small smirk walking out. Mina gave me a thumbs up as we walked to dinner, "he was totally checking you out Uraraka!". I beamed "really!" I asked and she put a hand on my shoulder "watch out he might push you into a closet.." she laughed and winked at me going to sit at her lunch table as I sat at mine.

I sat in between todoroki and deku with Iida and Momo infront of them and Tsu in front of me. "I heard about your little problem, kero" Tsu said giving me a wink, "yep and we're gonna help!" Momo added. "What?" Todoroki asked and I covered his mouth. "SSHH!!" I yelled and Deku laughed. "Ok so your gonna go over to his table stand behind him and talk to Mina, but make sure to breath heavily onto his neck" Momo planned. "Oh! And try and touch his thigh boys are sensitive there, ribbit" Tsu said with a big smile. "How do you know?!" Todoroki asked and I covered his mouth again. "What should I say!?" I asked blushing like mad. "Umm....." Tsu was thinking and Momo's face looked blank. "Why don't you ask about the work but act stupid so kachan calls you out on it, then you have a chance to talk to him!" Izuku suggested and I grinned. "Alright who knew you could do girl talk? I'll invite you to girl night" I laughed but he looked uncomfortable, "I'm joking!". I got up walking over to their table mentally preparing myself.

"Hey Mina!" I stood behind bakugou pressing my tits against his back. I winked at her, and she got the jist. "What's up raka!" She asked and I smirked. "The test? Wasn't the answer to 42 so hard?" I placed my hands to katsuki's shoulder leaning into him more. "I know right!" She agreed. "The whole test was hard.." kaminari sighed and he didn't even know the plan! "You dumbass! The question to 42 was simple fractions, are you that stupid?" He turned around looking a bit pissed off. "Maybe I am, why don't you come round to help later..?" I licked my lips grazing my hand over the top of his thigh and leaning in "we could do more" I made sure my breath would hit his neck while whispering in his ear. "Anyway bye guys!" I beamed with an innocent smile and bounced off to my table. I could tell I'd left katsuki dumb founded and it was actually really funny.

I sat back down and huffed picking up some rice with my chopsticks. "What's wrong hun?" Momo asked and I shrugged. "Trying to act sexy and flirty all the time is hard work", "Don't talk with your mouth full Uraraka-San!" Iida scolded. "I mean, I know how you feel!" Todoroki over dramatically gasped flicking his nonexistent hair over his shoulder. We all burst out laughing and he looked at us dead serious "what?" He asked slurping up his soba. Then Aoyama popped out of no where, "being pretty is quite hard mademoiselle!" I looked down at him who was under The table, "cheese" was all he said before pushing some in my mouth and disappearing. I was confused for a bit and so was everyone else but I just decided to let things be and eat my cheese.

Don't worry I'll do a part two soon but at the minute I'm talking My to my beautiful gf

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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