Chapter 4

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Ryuken stood outside of the hospital, leaning against the wall as he pulled out a cigarette pack from his pocket. He was about to pull a cigarette out from it when the conversation between him and Kisala came to him, and the feeling of uneasiness started weighing down on him. He let out a small, shaky sigh, and placed the pack back into his pocket. He crossed his arms across his chest, thinking 'Werewolf, eh?' He sighed again, closing his eyes along the way. 'Still can't believe it. Though...'

His thoughts were interrupted by a low, soft growl. The white haired male opened his eyes to see a wounded wolf, limping towards him. 'That's a first.'

With cautiousness, he walked towards it, crouching down and reach his hand towards its head, stroking it. 'It's rare for a wolf to show up at the hospital at this time.' Then he noticed a small chihuahua standing behind it. 'A chihuahua? Shouldn't it be killed by this wolf by now?'

'Ryuken, bring those two up to my room.'

With a confusion in his expression, Ryuken looked up to see Kisala and Seishin, looking down at them from the window of Kisala's room. He slowly stood up and said 'But...' Then he suddenly went stiff and held his breath when he saw their dark, crimson eyes glowing. 'Shit, not this again.'

Kisala bitterly smiled at him as she closed her eyes. 'I assume you remember how it feels like to be under my powers.' Then she opens her eyes, glaring at him. 'Don't think you can underestimate me, Ryuken. Bring those two up here so that I can heal them. This is an order.'

Ryuken clenched his teeth as he closed his eyes. 'Fine, but release me from my paralyzed self first . . . . . please.'

The tone in his voice didn't register into Kisala's mind at first. Not until Seishin placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it.

Kisala snapped out of it, releasing the director from being paralyzed. She gritted her teeth, placing her hand on the window as she continued to look at him. 'Gomen'nasai, Ryuken. I didn't mean to-'

'Don't apologize,' Ryuken cut her off. He looked over at the wolf and the chihuahua. 'I can't blame you for what you did.'

'But. . .' she started to say, but was cut off by Ryuken again.

'No buts, Kisala. You are already forgiven.' Then he looked at Seishin. 'Now, Seishin.' He noticed the silver haired male went stiff after putting full attention on him. 'Don't worry. I won't scold you for what you just did, but we need to talk after you bring a stretcher down here and bring this wolf up there.'

'Y-Yes, sir,' Seishin stumbled his words as he ran out of the room, leaving Kisala's side.

As soon as he knew that Seishin ran out of the room, Ryuken laid his eyes on Kisala again, but she was already looking away from him. 'Kisala,' he called out.

She sighed, placing her hands into her pockets. 'We can talk later, Ryuken. Right now, I need to heal that wolf.'

With a worried look on his face, he hangs his head down a bit. 'Okay.'

Ten minutes later

"It's going to be okay, Remus. It's not going to hurt at all," Kisala said soothingly as she caressed the wolf's head and fur, comforting him before carefully placing her hand on his injured leg.

Remus whined at the shot of pain in his leg. He softly barked in protest at her, telling her that he doesn't need to be healed.

She sighed as she shook her head. She removed her hand from his leg, and after a blink, the light glint in her eyes were gone and her limbal rings glowed red. "Do you rather die out there and leave Teddy all alone then? Do you rather let your own son watch you die and rot to death? Because I won't hesitate to teleport you out of this hospital and drop you off at the most heated area, leaving you there and let your son watch you rot to death through a monitor."

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