Chapter 2: Nightmares

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"Ugh. Looks like we're out of gas." I groaned. "Are we near any store or gas station Dad?"
"According to the map here, the closest store is about two miles away. Hold on a second while I call your mom." I stared blankly out the window as my father spoke on the phone. What is that? A tall black figure stood on the side of the road. It seemed to have an odd shape though, almost as if it had been in an accident of some sort. Its shoulders were crooked instead of them being even. Its right leg was twisted to the left. The right hip stuck out so far this thing didn't even stand straight. The head was tilted slightly and no matter how hard I squinted I couldn't find a face. "Jane? Hello?" I turned torward him. "Hm?" He looked worried.
"Are you okay honey? Looks like you zoned out a minute there,"
"Oh, yeah. Yeah I'm fine." My father unbuckled his seat belt. I looked back to the side of the road. Where the heck did it go? I turned back to my father. "So, I was on the phone with your mother and we agreed that I should walk down to the closest store and you stay in here. I know, I know, it's late. But if I go, we can buy gas and drive to a small motel where we'll meet Mom and Hannah." I stared down at my feet. "I don't want to be in here alone..." Dad tried to smile.
"Honey, it'll be fine. Nothing can hurt you. I'll lock the doors, okay?" I gave up. "Fine." My father hopped out of the truck after locking the doors. I sat awake, having no idea how much time has passed...

The banging in my head had awoken me. I groaned, sitting up straight. I winced as my hand lightly touched my throbbing head. I stood up cautiously, so I wouldn't fall over. Where am I? Then, it hit me. Oh no. I'm back here again.
I panicked and hid behind a tall crate that said 'fragile'. Wake up Jane! This is a dream! you're still in the truck! I closed my eyes slapped my arm as hard as I could, trying to wake myself up. "OW!" Opening my eyes I felt my heart drop. I'm still here! How can that happen?! Not real Jane, not real! Then I heard it. A raw, sharp voice say my name.
I covered my mouth and shut my eyes so I didn't scream. A horrible smell came over me as I scrunched up in a ball. I heard a loud hiss and then an cruel and mischievous laugh. "Girl, you have what I want, what I need. Something so precious to me. That I need to TAKE it."
I hoped so hard that nothing would happen. I just want to go home! I thought. Just then I felt something cold yet indescribable grab my shoulder and turn me around slowly. I started to sweat and practically made a kiddie pool for myself right in that very spot. "Look at me, Jane." I heard her scratchy voice come from above me. I shut my eyes even tighter. "LOOK AT ME!" Her breath was disgusting and smelled like mold. I opened my eyes slightly and let out a small cry. "You listen here, I want something you have. I need it, in fact."
I uncovered my mouth and shook my head. "No." I said. "YES I NEED IT!" She screamed at me as her sharp 4-inch yellow teeth threatened to eat me alive. She grabbed me and shook me like before.

I opened my eyes wider then ever, panting in my seat. I was back in the moving truck with my dad by my side. "Holy cow, Jane are you okay?"
I started sobbing since I was overwhelmed and confused. I rubbed my blue crystal harder than usual, as if a genie would pop out and ask for my 3 wishes. It felt so real. But-
"Hello? Do you feel okay honey?" He placed his hand gently on my forehead.
"Looks like you're burning up. Why don't we make a stop to the market up ahead and get some cold water and snacks." Sick? But I never get Sick! Ever! The last time I had a fever was when I was 6! Just then my stomach ached and twisted in knots in an instant. "Ugh...I don't feel so good."

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