Chapter 4: Hospital

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I opened my eyes and placed my hand on my own head. Sitting up, I looked at where I had been laying. Why am I on a couch? I stood up, a little wobbly at first, and took a look at my surroundings. I was in a hospital room, and I saw my mother sobbing and my father pacing back and forth nervously murmuring the words, "This isn't happening, she's okay." Over and over. Is Hannah okay?! What happened? I jogged over to the hospital bed and gasped. OH. MY. GOD. The person on the bed wasn't Hannah, it was me!

This is nuts! I'm right here so how the heck- A young female doctor walked in with a sorrow look on her face. "I am so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Hemlock but, I'm afraid your daughter has passed." Mother sobbed harder as Dad wrapped his arms around her. Hannah came running in the room and saw the sadness on my parents' faces and sighed. She hugged mom and dad for awhile. Did she just say I'm dead?! I'm right here! This can't be real! I ran over and tried to get everyone's attention. They didn't seem to hear though. "Mom! Dad! I'm right here!" But they contiued crying.
This can't be happening! I gotta stop this! I need to wake myself up! Racing over to the bed, I slapped my face. Nothing. I sank to the floor, confused and scared. "Why me?" I cried.

"Hey!" I turned my attention to the young woman in the corner of the room. She looked about 16 or 17 with her long, black hair and just a little makeup.
"Pretty nice necklace you've got there. Where'd you get it?"
She asked as she approached me slowly, arms crossed. I glanced down at my crystal necklace and started to rub it gently.
"My grandfather. He gave it to me when I was little."
She stopped to think for a minute.
"You might want to be careful with that, Jane. You don't know the power it has."
My hand started to shake as I slowly let go of the crystal around my neck. "H-how do you know my name?"

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