Chapter 3: Ew

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Dad's eyes widened.
"Please don't tell me you're going to-" Too late. All of my dinner from earlier came out of me. "Oh Jane, honey. Let's just head over to the market and clean you up. I'll call your mother and tell her we are going to take a stop since you aren't feeling well." My dad talked to my mother on the phone as I looked down at my brand new Grambo tennis shoes covered in barf.
"Aw man, my new shoes!" I grabbed my cellphone and turned it on. I had it powered off so my battery wouldn't go down. "Um... dad?" My father hung up on my mom when they were finished speaking.
"Yes Jane?" I showed him the battery on my phone that said 6%. "This was fully charged earlier and I hadn't used it at all. It also was powered off." Dad stared at the cellphone for a few seconds. "Hm. That's odd. Here, you can use my charger for now." He plugged it in and unbuckled.
"I'll go get paper towel stay here for a minute."
As my father entered the store, I turned my phone back on. I hope my phone is not messed up. I should check my apps and see if anything's wrong. I opened my gallery and saw something horrifying. I saw an image of me sleeping in my seat and four gray and dry arms reaching for my face from underneath me. This seemed to be taken from in front of me. Oh my gosh, how was this picture taken?! Nobody was near me! As I swiped through my gallery I noticed in every picture there was something there. Something that wasn't there before.
Dad came back with paper towel and started to clean up the mess I made on the floor. "Well, now we know you had enough to eat earlier." I laughed. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Alright, now that that's taken care of, let's go inside and clean you up."
I followed my father inside the supermarket and looked around kind of embarrassed. As we passed the aisles and check-outs, my head started throbbing. I let go of dad's hand and held my head "My head! Ah!"
"Woah, maybe we should take a seat."
My father guided me to a bench near by. I couldn't think. The pain I felt was something I have never felt or encountered before. It felt like I had been shot in the forehead. "Oh my god! Jane your head is bleeding!" Dad ran off screaming for help. I couldn't breathe. My vision was very blurry as if my eyes couldn't focus. Everything went from bright to dark in a few seconds. I could hear my father's voice fading and then, I lost sight of the store.

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