Chapter 8: Snake Eyes

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IMPORTANT A/N: Warning: This chapter contains brief mentions of violence and abuse. It's not detailed but if this bothers you please don't read. If you think at any point this story needs to be rated mature, let me know. Also, I mention a specific church in this story with little knowledge of the actual church but if you find anything offensive, message me so I can make appropriate changes. This is fanfiction and anything mentioned about real places are made up and not reflective of the actual place or its related people. Please keep that in mind and enjoy the story.


        It was the summer of 1993 before Dahlia's second run at her second year at Hogwarts. On this particular day, she was feeling nostalgic as well as avoiding the Masons' impending visit so she headed to London. Besides, the previous year left her little time to marvel at modern London considering she and Harry had to run to keep up with Hagrid. After she refamiliarized herself with the surrounding area, Dahlia fell back to her habit of pickpocketing. Dahlia spent about an hour stealing from the unsuspecting populace and stashing her treasures in the magical pouch around her neck that held her school things too. The witch then headed to a public library where she used the water closet and found a secluded corner to go through her haul.

        Today, she picked well and grabbed about eighty-three pounds, two watches, an expensive looking charm bracelet, and a rewards card for a paintball center on Vauxhall Road. Seeing an address with Vauxhall Road and being around books made Dahlia think about the first gift she ever bought for Tom: a book for his supposed spelling bee win. For the time, the leather book with his name embroidered in gold was a luxury item. She remembered how long she saved for the gift and how the very day she gave him the book was the same day they met the meddlesome Professor Dumbledore. Having finished going through her stolen items and still avoiding going back to Privet Drive, Dahlia decided to satisfy her nostalgic urges and venture to see whether Winstanley's Bookstore & Stationers and Wool's Orphanage remained in this year.

        Dahlia first arrived at 422 Vauxhall Road where the bookstore used to be. Unfortunately, a different business named Harbor Freight Tools stood near where Winstanley's once was. Dahlia had no interest in hardware, so she continued on past the shop and started towards Wool's Orphanage. She soon came to an empty and scorched field. Upon first seeing the empty, barren lot, Dahlia laughed. In fact, Dahlia laughed so intensely she fell onto the dirt underfoot and people on the sidewalk gave her a wide berth. Thirty minutes later a now calm Dahlia sat crossed legged in the middle of Wool's former lot with her hands buried in the dirt. Dahlia was meditating and trying to sense what happened here. At the moment all Dahlia knew for sure was that it was dark magic which burned the orphanage for sure. She thought it was possibly fiendfyre, although she wasn't sure. Also, there was an underlying spell there, like a curse, she just wasn't sure of its purpose. Dahlia was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice the approaching person nor the words that slipped pass her lips. "What happened here?"

        An unknown male voice interrupted her meditation, "Hello! Sorry, to disturb you, but I was just passing by and I heard your question. Are you interested in the history of the property?"

        Dahlia smiled gently at the young man as she quickly observed him from his suit to his Holy Bible. Dahlia promptly answered politely, "Yes, sir. You see, my grandmother was a ward of the orphanage here and I was curious about the place." Dahlia then looked down shyly and lightly kicked the dirt with her shoe, "I suppose I should have made sure the place was still standing before making the trip."

        The man nodded understandingly and said, "Well, I'm sorry that you couldn't see the building because it was quite beautiful, if not worn down as its time as an orphanage. However, if you like you would like, you could come with me to St. Peter's Vauxhall Church. I'm a deacon at the church and bit of an amateur historian and my great uncle was the church priest when Wool's was around. We have an evening service in about two hours. If you attend the service, I'll introduce you to my great uncle after." Dahlia agreed and the two walked the rest of the way to the church. 

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