A/N: Posting Issues

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I would first like to apologise that this isn't an update.

The laptop I was working on has been having issues. Therefore, I cannot access the chapters I had ready or even my future outlines. It has been months and I just now figured out how to edit my works from my tablet. That being said, until I can fix my laptop or get another one, I am unlikely to post here. Honestly, it's exhausting writing a story without an actual keyboard. Also, my other devices don't seem to like Wattpad.

I am not abandoning this story. I love it and I put a lot of work in it. Hopefully, I can get this fixed sometime after Christmas. I will also be starting university soon so that will take up a good portion of my time. Updates will be slow and it might be a few months but they will happen.

Thank you for sticking with me and being patient. I'm sorry I didn't bring better news.

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