Chapter 5

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Why did he do that? I mean we were getting along pretty well, and it's just not fair to say you don't know someone who is sitting right there! Ok I get it, we are not close and we only met yesterday but what he did was just rude! I look to the left to see Ben looking at me, he looks bored out of his mind, trying to escape. I give him a angry look and turn back to look at the window.

When the bus finally arrives Ben and the other guy say there goodbyes and Ben came right up to me.

- I'm so sorry Ellie, I didn't mean to upset you.

- excuse me, who are you? 

- I understand your mad but I had a good reason to do it! 

- I still don't know who you are, stop talking to me. 

I quickly get in the school and get lost in the sea of people chatting and playing around. I find it calming, being in the middle of so much  people and chaos, no notices me, and thats not a problem. 

I go to my locker and Liam is waiting for me, he looks really pissed. 


oh so that's why.

- I'm sorry I completely forgot!! 


- ok, ok, his names Ben... 

I can feel my cheeks going bright red as I tell Liam about yesterday. and then I remember what happened today... I told Liam about it and he didn't seem very happy either.

- that guy just went from Prince Charming to a total douche in one day !!

- I know Liam.... I'm super confused... he said he had a reason to do it but I bet he won't even get to know it because I'm leaving this afternoon. 

- wait? So quickly!? 

- yes... but it's not far away, I'll obviously still be coming to school here, I'll just be in a different house. 

- —————————————

School finished and I haven't crossed paths with Ben since this morning, I'm not going to catch the bus with him since my parents came to pick me up so they can drop me and my bags at their friends house.

I look out the window and see us going inside our neighborhood, when they said it was close, they meant it. Maybe I'll still catch the bus with Ben !

Wait, is that my house

why are we stopping in front of Ben's house? I must be imagining, it's probably just a house that looks the same...

We get out of the car and get my bags. When my mom rings the doorbell. The door opened and a tall woman with a really big smile came out.

- hello Eva!! 

Said my mom in a happy tone. Then a man who is apparently called jack came out and greeted my parents, it's was a while before they noticed me.

- is this your daughter? She's beautiful! 

- hello miss, I'm Ellie.

- hello Ellie, you're going to stay here for sometime but is right next to your house! I have a son, he will  be here in a minute, his coming in the bus. He will give you a tour to the house.

I'm really getting scared, this really is Ben's house, I'm going to live with Ben. I'm not ready to live with him, tho it is the perfect scenery for us to get to know each other better.

My parents say goodbye and me and Ben's parents go talk in the sofa. Never in a million years I'd thought this would happen.

The door opens and the most beautiful boy on earth comes in.

- hey darling, come to the living room, a guest is waiting for you. 

He comes in and looks at me, shock. But not sadness, he looks... happy.... as happy as I am (witch is as happy as I could be in this kind of situation). 

- darling, this is Ellie, as I told you she will be staying with us for a couple of weeks, will you please show her around the house?

- hello Ellie, I'm Ben, come with me.

You stand up and follow him up the stairs.

- I can't believe I'm staying with you....

I said to brake the awkward silence.

- I can't believe your staying with me. they've been talking about you all week and I never imagined it would be you.

He showed me around until the are only tow rooms left, mine and his are next to each other, and we're going to share a bathroom. A BATHROOM.

He opened a door and inside was a white bedroom, it was nice, could redecorated my way since it didn't have much.

- Ellie, this is your room. And that's mine, if you need anything you can just nock on the wall, I'll hear it. 

I didn't answer, I was focused on imagining decorating the room. 

- Ellie... are you still mad at me ?

- yes - I said strongly.

- what can I do for you to forgive me ?

- tell me why, no lying.

- I-I-I I can't.... 

- yes you can, now go to your room and tell me after i unpack 

He got inside his room and left me to unpack

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