chapter 14

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when our lips finally touch its like time stops... to bad it doesnt stop for long because the front door suddently opens and my mom comes in. Me and Ellie get away from each other so fast its scary. 

i love my mom, but i feel like she has this talent for showing up at the wrong time. 

- hey kids! how was school??

- its was normal. 

I answer in an awkward tone.

- what about you Ellie?

- it was interesting.

Ellie looks as red as a tomato, witch is really cute honestly, she stuttered so much I think she might pass out from embarrassment.

- I gottaaaaa, go to the bathroom, doooo bathroom stuff. 

she says running up the stairs to he room. what a fail...


Ellie's pov

I wake up (not) ready for my first day of school while fake dating someone. I texted everything that happened to Liam. I cant believe I kissed Ben. TWO TIMES, ITS INSANE! 

I know I shouldn't have let him kiss me, I should only kiss him if its strictly necessary, but he did have a point (witch sounded more like an excuse) and I just wanted it so bad... and we were alone and I had daydreamed about it for so long... and now knowing that he only kissed me the first time so Jayden would see it meant that that one was completely meaningless... but this time jayden wasn't here, no one was...

I find myself daydreaming again during breakfast.

- what are you thinking about?

Ben says coming down to eat.

- oh you know, stuff.

- what kind of stuff?

- the kind of stuff people think about during breakfast.

- yeah sure. im assuming your not telling me then.

soon enough were on the bus on our way to our first day as a couple. Then I structs me, we don't know much about each other, I have o idea about what he likes to eat, study etc.

- now that I think about it we don't know anything about each other. it would be really weird if we were dating and practically the only things I know are, were you live and what bus you take home.

-well, my name is Ben, and I love to draw and I also love geography. im really scared of tigers, I don't know, they just scare me a lot for some reason. Your turn.

- my name is Ellie, I want to be a doctor and I basically like everything that has to do with medicine, I like listening to music and I hate clowns, they scare me A LOT.

- great, I already know what ill wear for Halloween.

- dork 

when we get outside the bus Ben grabs my hand and interwinds hour hands together, his hands are so warm, I wish I could be holding his hands for real...

- don't worry Ellie, if no one suspects anything we should only have to do this.

I lightly nod my head and we continue walking to the school gate.

the moment we get inside school all eyes are on us,  I wont get used to this. 


Its been a week since we started fake dating, we don't do much, people believed it at first. im a horrible actress, I think the only way I convince people is because I actually like Ben. But now, more then ever I think I don't have any chances with him. 

Ever since Jayson said Ben was his friend he has gotten a lot of attention, especially from girls, and he loves the attention, I can see it in his eyes. Really, if he likes those girls so much he should just 'fake breakup' with me! he really got my hopes high when he kissed me last week, and then he completely crushed them within a week.

Eventually liam knocks me out of my (very jealous) thoughts.

- TODAY ELLIE YOUR HAVING LUNCH WITH YOUR  *cof* *cof* boyfriend. And you mister Ben, are going to sit with us.

he says pointing at Ben. god, I hadn't even realised he was next to me.

- oh yeah, *cof* *cof* can we go somewhere private so we actually talk?

I ask him quietly 

- yeah lets go.

Ben grabs my hand as we head to the empty classroom that we have been using to talk (for real) in the school, its still quite and there aren't much people around, but we don't want to risk it. its the place where Liam tells us what to do (his the master mind).

The moment we get inside, mine and Ben's hands fly away from each other. I'm already used to the fact that the moment were out of sight from the rest of the school I cant hold his hand anymore, and I really don't want to anymore, I always new it was fake, but now its just that even tho I love having his hands in mine, the fact that I know he doesn't really want to do it takes all the magic away from it.

- why do we need to have lunch together?

I start. I really don't want to have to eat my food with Ben looking at other girls next to me, and I cant even call him out for it, I'm not really his girlfriend after all.

- yeah, you do. people are starting to talk about it.

- just because were 'dating' doesn't mean we have to do everything together! you want me to start going to the bathroom with him?

- look, your guys are the ones that are pretending to date, im just traying to help.

I have to 'fake breakup' with ben as soon as possible, this is way to upsetting and  time consuming.

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