Chapter 2 Lost in the Rough

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The makeup under Virgil's eyes was a lot darker he was not angsty anymore he was scary. His voice sounded a lot darker and he had this hateful look in his eyes. Patton stepped back and slammed into Logan who was reading a list over to Thomas.
"Patton what's going on?"
"Oh Patton we know your upset but Virgil will always be there just go and visit him in the mindscape." Roman said.
"No not that he seems sad."
"What do you mean?"
"When I went there he wasn't there or in anyone else's room." Patton looked to Logan.
"So you mean..."
"Just what I thought he is a traitor!" Roman said with pride.
"No! I know Virgil. We were bad to him so he felt like he wanted to be back with his old friends." Patton stomped his foot.
"Your so cute Patton but everyone here knew Virgil was a traitor." Roman looked smug.
"Now hold on Roman, maybe Patton's onto something Virgil did seem very unhappy when he heard we didn't trust him." Logan said putting his finger on his chin.
"Oh now your siding with Patton?" Roman asked.
"He's right though Roman he's one of us and we didn't respect him." Thomas crossed his arms as he said this.
"So what we go in there like a bunch of pansies and beg for him back?" Roman rolled his eyes.
"No we...we kill him with kindness." Patton said.
"You seem unsure Patton." Logan looked to Patton.
"I get that you never liked Virgil Roman but you treated him the worst." Patton looked at Roman.
"He tried to be nice to you and you were not receptive."
"Whoa Patton big words?" Thomas laughed.
"This isn't funny." Patton looked at Thomas head on.
"But Patton you always liked Virgil right?" Logan asked.
"Yes! I saw him like a son kind of he's like an average angsty teen." Patton said. "And that said a lot, I took a liking to him almost immediately it was a parent like reaction." Patton explained.
"So he really turns a knot with you?" Roman asked.
"What ever does that mean?" Logan asked.
"It's a saying for a close relationship Logan even I know that." Patton explained in a Jokeish way.
"Well not everyone can be as smart as you Patton." Logan snarled.
"Wait Logan was that scarsam?" Thomas asked.
"Very much so." Logan straightened his tie. "Now are we going to get Virgil or not?" Logan asked.
"Let's go we might have a chance." Patton said slowly.
Everyone closed their eyes before being whisked away into a a dark room with snakes in glass containers. The room had tones of crazy signs of two headed snakes with meaning from long ago.
"I don't like this place." Patton stood behind Roman shaking.
"Don't worry Patton I'll protect you from these foul things." Roman said protectively.
"Foul I doubt that." A hissing sound came from behind them.
"Ah!" Patton screamed.
"Wheres Virgil Deceit?" Thomas snarled.
"He's fine back to why your here in my room?" Deceit slid past the question with ease.
"Were here for Virgil." Logan spoke up.
"As I said he's fine here." Deceit walked slowly from behind the group then traveling over to one of the snake containers.
"Deceit we know he's here not hard to track." Thomas said.
"Okay you got me he's helping Remus with something." Deceit checked his gloves hand.
"Remus why he hates him?" Roman said.
"Scared if anything." Logan added.
"We both are." Patton peeped up.
"No, no,no your all wrong Remus and Virgil go way back ." Deceit laughed.
"They do?" Everyone asked.
"Yay Virgil always came into contact with Remus and since Remus is friends with me and so was Virgil they got on quite well." Deceit said leaning against the snake case.
"So why was he scared of Remus." Patton asked.
"It was when Remus became destructive and cruel is when Virgil turned a leaf." Deceit said. "He was fun though." Deceit gave a devilish smirk and turned to the others.
"As for why Virgil came back we don't know that's a question to ask him." Deceit turned and walked away grabbing a cane as he left.
"Its tea time now and Remus isn't to happy when I miss out. Good day." Deceit disappeared kicking the group out of the room.
Outside back in Thomas's apartment the group clashed heads about what the hell just happened.
"I told you he's a traitor." Roman protested.
"Now Roman we don't know this he could have just missed his friends." Patton put in.
"He misses those monsters?" Logan asked.
"I'm with Patton." Thomas says.
"What?" Logan and Roman both ask.
"I do. I know Virgil has been a strange one since he arrived but he tried so hard to be good and we shot him down." Thomas said. "You can't honestly say both of you two haven't said something that has hurt Virgil." Thomas said.
"Especially you Roman." Patton pointed.
"Okay so I've been mean so what he insults me!" Roman protested.
"After you do it to him." Thomas said.
"Thomas is right Roman. We've been bad to Virgil." Logan said putting his hand on his hips.
"So what we just apologize?" Roman asked.
"No we have to prove we're gonna change for Virgil." Thomas said.
"How?" Roman asked.
"Maybe try being nice to him." Logan straightened his glasses and looked to Thomas. "So what now." Logan asked.
"We wait for Virgil to return." Thomas flopped down on the couch.
Virgil sipped the burning hot tea as Deceit and Remus engaged in conversation. Virgil pulled out his notebook from the Ethier and began writing as Remus leaned over his shoulder.
"Whatcha writing?" Remus asked.
"Notes." Virgil sighed.
"On what?" Deceit asked sipping his tea.
"Depression? Whatever I feel like." Virgil said rolling his eyes.
"Ha! Your a side of Thomas and you and have depression." Deceit laughed.
"I resemble more then Anxiety Deceit." Virgil hissed.
"Yes of course but you seem like any normal side so having such complex emotions is strange." Deceit snickered.
"So your saying all sides should be emotionless?" Virgil purred.
Deceit was taken a back by the flirt Virgil had just thrown his way but quickly recovered with his own.
"Well of course it's okay to have some emotions especially for one as fine as yourself." Deceit hissed.
Virgil snorted and turned to Remus. "And you what do you think?" Virgil asked.
"I'm not into the gooy stuff." Remus stuck out his tongue.
"Sure..." Deceit said. He coughed and spoke. "Virgil your friends came popping in earlier." Deceit said.
"So...?" Virgil asked.
"You seem less and less likely to be around them." Remus smiled.
"Treat me the way you want to be treated right?" Virgil said pointing to himself.
"Ah! Welcome back Virgil." Remus laughed.
Virgil sighed and placed his head in his hand and looked from Deceit to Remus. Time slowly came to an end and Virgil retreated back to his room to look back over Thomas's schedule. A slow knock came on his door. He opened the door to Patton who looked like he was heartbroken.
"Sup Patton?" Virgil ask blocking Pattons way from coming inside.
"I heard you return so I thought I'd come and talk to you." Patton said smiling a bit.
"Yay I had tea with some friends." Virgil snorted.
"Yay we heard." Patton went quiet. "Come back." Patton blurted.
"What?" Virgil asked.
"Please come back we need you." Patton said.
"Listen Patton your a cool guy but everytime I show I'm insulted so not ideal." Virgil rubbed his neck.
"I know you hate it I've tried to talk to them and they said they try." Patton said.
"Sure but what will stop Princey?" Virgil asked.
"I will!" Patton shouted.
"Yay that worked just fine last time." Virgil chuckled.
"Please." Patton begged.
"Okay here let me sleep on it and we'll see." Virgil rubbed his temples.
"Okay Virge." Patton stepped back and dissolved from the empty doorway of Virgil room.
Virgil slammed his door and leaned against it before making his way to his desk. He sighed as another knock came on his door.
"Patton my god I told you...!" Virgil was taken a back by the person at his door.
"Patton? I'm hardly him. You should know that Virgil." He smiled. "But I'd like to invite you to dinner to discuss...some things."

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