Chapter 5 Princey's Price

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The courtroom shifted into a stage with two debate podiums and a judging table where Virgil sat. The others sat behind in theater seats. Logan stood and made his way next to the stage and began reading a small card.

"Welcome to the NDR or National Debate Regional." Logan winked at Patton who called frantically. "Today we have two contestants Deceit and Roman Sanders." Logan announced. "They will be speading their views on certain topics in order to impress here Virgil." Logan pointed to Virgil who waved.
"Now let's begin." Logan read the first card, "what type of music is the best and why?" Logan asked.

"Obviously jazz." Deceit said rubbing his hand on his coat.

"And why's that?" Logan asked.

"Because you can get that moody vibe while also getting a good tune that's easy to sing along too." Deceit said.

"Very good, very good." Logan said. "Now Roman the question to you." Logan pointed to Roman.

"Well its obviously pop." Roman rolled his eyes.

"Cocky and overly confident,I hate you." Deceit chuckled.

"Well that's two of us sickle and trickle." Roman laughed.

Virgil laughed and clapped. He shook his head and nodded to Roman. "I personally like rock but Roman's qwip was to good." Virgil said clapping.

"Then the first point goes to Roman." Logan said. "Moving on if the world was ending what would be your weapon of choice?" Logan cockes an eyebrow but shook it off. "Roman you first."

"Well love and hope." Roman shrugged.

"What, your joking?" Remus laughed.

"No I'm being honest if the worlds ending the best thing to do is hold on to hope and keep your love ones close." Roman shrugged. "This is what I learned." Roman picked his lips and turned Virgil. "You ought to know it too." Roman turned back. "So yay live and hope."

"Stupid." Deceot whispered.

"Maybe to you thought it was beautiful." Patton said snuggling himself.

"Agreed." Logan added.

"I thought this was about Virgil?" Deceit snarled.

"It is, but...Roman too moody like I know I'm deep but when you've insulted me since you met me it just doesn't seem like your the nice type." Virgil said sinking back.

"What do you mean?" Roman asked.

"Don't lie you hated me in the beginning you admitted to that, so why fight to love me now?" Virgil asked.

"Because it's my last chance Decit wants you forever and if I don't try I may never get another chance!" Roman shouted.

The world around them faded and Roman stood fist bunched. He looked at everyone before throwing a swift blow to Deceits stomach. Before anything else could happen Remus was on Deceit and Logan was on Roman. Shocked Virgil retreated upstairs to get away from the drama. Virgil knew he'd have to settle this but how? He snapped to the door right next to Roman's where the rainbow of this house started. The strange orange door seemed to have a glow calling to him. He walked up and tapped on the door. No answer. He tapped again. No answer. He slapped his hand on the door. Something stirred. The door creaked open and two tiny orange circles could be seen in the black of the doorway.

"Who are you?" Virgil asked.

No answer.

"Nevermind can you help me?" Virgil asked.

The figure rolled its eyes and slid the door open just enough to let Virgil slide inside. The room was pitch black only a bed and table could be seen through the blackness. The figure crept behind Virgil tapping him with a small coffee cup. Virgil spun around almost knocking the cup from the orange figures hand. The figure hissed and screeched causing Virgil to back up against a wall. The figure lifted his hand and shook it before setting the cup down.

He burned himself. The figure looked to Virgil then rolled his eyes. He took a seat and began sipping whatever was in the cup. Virgil took a minute to breath before sitting next to the strange side. The side looked at him and nodded as if to hurry up and say whatever he needed. Virgil didn't miss a beat.

"I need help weighing pros and cons of dating Deceit vs Roman." Virgil stated.

The side gave a confused look before nodding and grabbing a notebook. He wrote something quickly and handed the notebook to Virgil. The words "write the pros and cons you know and we'll go from there."

Virgil scribbled for a little while when a soft knock came on the other sides door. The side seemed to ignore it when it soon became banging. But the side ignored he seemed lost in his own little world.

Virgil stood and headed to the door he opened it a crack to have it blown open and wacked in the face. Patton, Logan, Roman, and Deceit came running in followed by Remus and Thomas.

"Virgil!" Patton cried.

"Here." Virgil said cupping his nose.

"I'm so sorry kiddo." Patton helped Virgil to his feet before looking at the side staring back at them.

Logan seemed dazed and stepped towards the strange side before begin pulled back by Roman. The side nodded to Virgil before pointing to the door as if to say leave. Virgil was about to protest when Deceit grabbed his arm and pulled him out the room. The others followed and the door sealed behind them.

"Do you know who that was?" Roman asked.

"He's always been here but it's like some random stranger living inside Thomas's home." Patton said.

"Yay it sure does." Roman said.

"I think he said to call him "Ox" for now but that's not his real name." Remus added.

"How do you know that?" Logan asked.

"He told me well wrote to me he doesn't speak." Remus answered.

"Disabled?" Roman asked.

"Don't think so he's scary awesome though." Remus said leaning against the wall.

"So he's an unknown side?" Thomas asked.

"Or a side that hasn't made a physical presence." Logan said.

"Right, but why?" Thomas asked.

"Maybe he's shy or anti social." Patton said.

"Patton could be right." Logan said.

"So what? We smack his back and say wlecome to the family?" Deceit asked.

"Well why not?" Patton asked.

"He's an unknown side we don't know what he does!" Deceit claimed.

"Virgil you seem to be acquainted with him what do you think?" Logan asked.

"I guess we could he doesn't speak so I don't know how he'll react?" Virgil said.

Deceit rolled his eyes as Patton knocked on the door. The room shook with rage before it slammed open scaring everyone. They all stepped back as the orange side emerged from the room. It was strange he was completely black only with his orange eyes. Of course! He's an unknown side to Thomas that means he won't see the true form until Thomas experienced whatever this side does.

Patton walked forward cookies spawning from whatever ether Patton pulled them from.

"It's nice to meet you Ox." Patton said.

The side scribbled orange words in the air that said what? He turned and shrugged as he the others down.

"We'd like you to join us someday in a video." Thomas boldly said.

The side rolled his eyes and nodded before heading back inside his room closing it with a loud thud. Patton looked upset the side didn't even try his cookies and Roman wasn't gonna have it.

"Hey you get back out here!" Roman called pounding on his door.

The whole house shook as an orange mist began to fill the halls. Bad idea Roman. Really bad idea.

Thank you for the support like and tell your friends I like writing so as long as theres support I'll keep going I'm thinking about 15 parts idk.

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