Chapter 4 Lets Debate

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Maybe Princey was to late. Maybe he'd never hold the dark lord know as Virgil in his arms. He knew it'd wouldn't be long till his sworn rival became his lover but instead of taking action he watched he waited. And now he was gone.

Used to love was a strong word by itself but now I'm over is what was hurting the handsome prince the most. His dark lord had out grown his childish love and was now flocking with the wrong army.
Maybe Patton was right. He should have been nicer. As Disney had always taught him a kind, nice prince always got the love.

Roman stood taking a bold step towards Deceits table but stopping as everyone spun around to look at him. Deceit chuckled as his arm was tucked tightly around Virgil's waist. Virgil smiled and slipped from Deceits arm causing him to hiss.

"Something up Roman?" Virgil asked laying his head on Deceits shoulder.

"No fine I was wondering when you and Deceit got together?" Roman asked snarling.

"Before we even met me and Deceit had a thing." Virgil said looking at Deceit.

"So what happened?" Roman asked shifting his feet.

"Your not entitled to ask that." Deceit said raising a hand.

"I can ask what I want I am a prince." Roman said sternly.

"Correction you think you are." Remus budded in.

"Stop it both of you." Virgil pointed at them.

"Well I thought someone as yourself would know better then to hang with these two..." Deceit bellowed a laugh.

"A what prince? Someone like you has no right to talk." Deceit spat.

"Your no prince your rude." Remus said.

"I am certainly not!" Roman said.

They had directed the attention of the others now who came racing over to break the arguement up.

"What's going on?" Thomas asked.

"False info." Roman snarled.

"False hardly." Deceit shot back.

"Okay now break it up." Patton said looking at everyone. "Virgil why don't you join me and Logan and Roman you can join us too." Patton said.

"Patton my dear you said it was just going to be us." Logan said looking at Patton.

"And it is and will be let's just defuse this before it gets worse." Patton said kissing Logan's cheek.

"Very well it does seem like the most logical thing to do." Logan said putting his hand on Roman's shoulders.

"Now hold on if Patton's so good then let's put him to the test." Remus said looking at Deceit.

"Of course Patton if you know so much then you'll know who's the better match for Virgil." Deceit asked.

"Well that's hard to tell with no clear signs ethier of you know Virgil very well." Patton said putting his hands on his hips.

"Well then let's just see who knows the basics." Deceit sapped his fingers and a game show like roon appeared. "Virgil has written all the answers it's our job to guess." Deceit said staring Roman down from the poduim.

"Okay then." Roman said aggressively.

"Let the game begin." Remus called.

"Forst question what is Virgil's favorite color?" Logan asked.

"Black!" Roman called out.

"Wrong it's teal." Deceit snapped.

"Your not wrong but I thought you knew me a lot better then that." Virgil said laying back against the chair.

"So who got the point?" Roman asked.

"No one idiot!" Deceit barked.

"No need to be rude Mr.Seether." Roman chuckled.

"Oh clever nickname Mr.Romeo." Deceit clapped sarcastically.

"How dare you insult suck a masterpiece!" Roman shot back.

"A masterpiece by someone who knew nothing about love." Deceit claimed.

Roman gasped.

"I mean he wasn't even a decent man he cheated constantly." Deceit crossed his arms.

"Now this is getting interesting." Logan said.

"Logan..." Patton whinned.

"No just listen why don't we settle this in a fun way?" Logan asked.

"How could this arguing be fun?" Patton asked.

"Not arguing debating, no insults nothing we give a topic and they speak there minds about it?" Logan claimed.

"Well..." Patton thought for a moment.

"And Virgil can side with whoever he thinks has the best point." Logan said excitedly.

"You guys good with that?" Thomas asked.

"Whatever gets me on my way." Deceit said.

"And however I can show Virgil I'm better then Mr.Two Face over here." Roman pointed to Deceit.

"Fine we're on!" Deceit cried.

"Good I'll beat you just like Batman does two face ever time." Roman said confidently.

"Then let's begin."

Playing with a Snake; Thomas Sanders FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now