Chapter 7 Prince Charming

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Roman hated the fact everyone was happy. It hurt. I guess the prince could get all the chicks but not one single guy. Patton and Logan looked like a classic 80's family while that snake Janus, and Virgil look like an edgy teen couple. Even Remus had been speaking with someone. Roman pouted as he stood up from his desk after looking at Thomas's latest script. Roman sighed and stepped out of his room. No sign of Patton or Logan, and it didn't see any snakes around. Roman crept forward towards the end of the darken hallway, Virgil's door sat open a smidge only ableing a eye to see what was inside.
Virgil stood looking into a blackened mirror as if searching for answers. He looked upset for some reason rolling his eyes and huffing. Virgil put his hand on his hip and stepped away from the mirror shaking his head.
Virgil swept his hair out of his eyes and pulled off his hoodie setting it next to the bed. He spiralled out and looked up at the cobbed web ceiling. He sighed again and looked to the door where Roman was standing.
"Princey I can see you." Virgil said.
"Oh pardon the popping in like this it's just...well Janus?" Roman said.
"What about it?" Virgil asked sitting up quickly.
"I don't think he's good for you!" Roman blurted.
Virgil raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. He stood up and walked over to the mirror again. He started waving his hand.
"Listen Princey why does it matter to you, you hate me." Virgil said.
"No I don't, I just act like I do." Roman protested.
"Why?" Virgil asked concerned.
"Because...I'm prideful I don't like to admit I like the angsty emo." Roman explained.
"Oh wow, thanks." Virgil said rolling his eyes again.
"Not like that Virgil..." Roman was cut off.
"Listen Princey I'm good with Deceit right now, and really you probably deserve someone better." Virgil said sitting back down.
"Someone better like who?" Roman asked.
"I don't know...some theater boy or something!" Virgil shot back.
"Oh so opposites don't attract I suppose." Roman scoffed.
"Guess not." Virgil shrugged.
Silence. Virgil turned away, obvious to he had nothing left to say. Roman was shaking, this is not how he wanted it to go. He should have just told him sooner. The whole debate, the lies, the insults meant nothing. His pride had gotten the better of him and look where he's at now. Roman spun bbn on his heel to leave as a snake entered the room.
"You seem to be lost Princey." The snake hissed.
"I promise you I'm not Janus." Roman hissed back.
"Chill you two, everything's fine Deceit." Virgil said.
"Still calling me that?" Deceit questioned.
Virgil shrugged as Roman exited the room. He padded downstairs to where Patton and Logan were they were in the mits of a conversation when they noticed Roman.
"Hey kiddo." Patton said.
"Oh hello padre." Roman smiled weakly.
"Everything alright you seem down." Patton asked smiling.
"Yay everything's fine, I just..." Roman stopped looking down.
"You what kiddo?" Patton asked.
"Nothing I'm gonna head out for a bit." Roman said sliding past Patton.
"You want me to come with?" Patton asked.
"Sorry Padre I feel like being alone right now." Roman said weakly.
"Oh okay well I'll be here if you need me." Patton said looking somber.
"Yay thanks Pat." Roman said heading down the stairs.
Logan was reading on the couch Patton's cat onesie sitting in his lap. His face was blank as always but he slowly looked up drawing a scowl.
"I heard you talking to Virgil." Logan scoffed.
"You sound upset." Roman said.
"Pardon if you took it that way I'm confused." Logan said sighing.
"About what?" Roman asked.
"You." Logan said looking puzzled.
"Me? What?" Roman said taken aback.
"Yes, you see everyone else has found common ground with Deceit's and Virgil's relationship but you just seem to even hate the idea of Deceit being in the same sentence as Virgil." Logan exclaimed.
"Well I'm sorry I'm not as dumb as you and everyone else who trust that snake." Roman scoffed.
"Roman!" Thomas pranced down the stairs. "What is going on?" Thomas asked.
"You see Thomas Roman appears to be trying to break Virgil and Deceit up." Logan exclaimed.
"No, that's not it at all." Roman protested.
"So what is going on Roman?" Thomas asked.
"I like Virgil, and I have for awhile." Roman exclaimed. "But he told me he doesn't want to be with me." Roman said.
"Well you can't force someone to love you." Logan said.
"I know but I thought he would be my dark prince." Roman exclaimed.
"My light of love shines over his darkness." Roman said getting hyped up. "But I guess it's not." Roman sighed.
"Well maybe they'll be another dark prince somewhere." Thomas said patting Roman's shoulder.
"But I wanted be Virgil." Roman said.
"Well be persistent." Logan suggested.
"Like convince him to cheat?" Roman asked.
"No!" Thomas said shaking his hands. "He means keep trying." Thomas said.
"If Virgil want you truly can keep trying without crossing the line." Logan said pushing his glasses higher on his nose.
"But he doesn't want me so how can I fix that?" Roman asked.
"Maybe it's not meant to be." Logan sighed.
"Now Logan it could be possible." Thomas said shrugging.
"Let's think logically here Thomas if Roman the dreamer, the one who goes for every hope and dream thinks he can't win Virgil then who are we to say he can." Logan explained.
"Well you and Patton happened and that's illogical." Roman scoffed.
"Falsehood!" Logan cried.
"Pump the brakes princey!" Thomas said pointing to Roman.
"Pardon the outburst but why are you targeting me and Patton?" Logan asked.
"I don't just seemed weird that logic would date the all mighty lover and emotional mess." Roman said putting his hand on his hip.
"Princey pump the brakes!" Thomas called.
"And isn't it weird the preppy dreamer would date the gloomy, socially awkward, edgy boy?" Logan asked.
Roman rolled his eyes and flopped down on the couch. He sighed and looked at Thomas then Logan who seemed tried already of Roman's troubles. He wasn't one who opened up very often and he knew that. Patton was important to him though. Even though some emotions were hard for him to show that little bit of love he did show really showed through. He was trying and Roman had to applaud him for that. Sure he wasn't the romantic serenade type, or the gushy lover names but the little things he did do showed he cared. Roman felt bad for calling him out.
"I'm sorry Logan." Roman said looking down.
"Over what it's over." Logan said sitting down next to him.
"It's just..." Roman cut himself off.
"There's time Roman just wait." Logan said patting him on the back.
"Wait for what?" Roman asked.
"Time will tell what the future is, wait maybe Virgil will change his mind." Logan said standing up.
"But how long?" Roman asked.
"I don't know, I can't answer that." Logan said grabbing his book. "I have to go Patton's waiting on me." Logan said heading to the door.
"Logan wait!" Roman called.
"Yes?" Logan said spinning around.
"Thank you." Roman said giving a small smile.
"Of course." Logan said heading out the door.
     "Wait. That's what he said. Maybe Logan's right. He's never really spun us in the wrong direction before." Roman thought sitting back.
"Or maybe there is a prince charming out their for me." Roman thought.
"Maybe it's not virgil." Roman stood up and headed for his room. Maybe a walk would clear his mind. He needed one after the emotional abuse he was going through. He grabbed his jacket and headed out the door leaving the comfort of his room. He didn't even bother to stop by Virgil's before walking out the door into the cool summer day. It was rare to have such a cold day during summer in Florida but yet here it was. Roman scuffed his shoes against sidewalk as he kept his head down. This wasn't like him, not at all. He held his head up for a second before colliding with someone and falling on his ass.
"Sorry!" They squealed.
"No, no that's my fault." Roman said standing up.
     The person below him had bright blue eyes, tan skin, and  the most adorable little freckles across his nose. He had beach blonde hair(made up character) Roman offered a hand awestruck as the soft skin of this person touched his.
"I'm Tosh by the way." He said letting go of Roman's hand.
"Tosh?" Roman asked.
"That's what my friends call me." He said grabbing has books from the ground.
"'s nice." Roman said.
"Thanks." Tosh grabbed his books and stood up. "Well I gotta go." Tosh said.
"Wait um...can I um have your number." Roman asked quietly.
"What?" Tosh asked. "I can't hear you sorry." Tosh said.
"Can I have you number." Roman sighed.
"Um...sure." Tosh said taking Roman's phone from his hand.
"Thanks." Roman said.
"Why are you thanking me?" Tosh asked.
"Its been rough trying to find a knight in shining armor recently." Roman said putting his hand on his head.
"So love lives not doing so well." Tosh asked smiling.
"Yes it's been a real pain." Roman said sighing.
"I get that I just broke up with my boyfriend." Tosh said patting Roman's arm.
"Someone broke up with you! Why?" Roman asked.
"I don't know it was weird ya know we'd been together two years and he said he needed to move on." Tosh exclaimed.
"That is strange." Roman said nodding.
"Anyway I should go but it was nice meeting"
"Roman!" Roman called. "My names Roman."
"Well it was nice meeting you Roman." Tosh said shaking Roman's hand.
"The pleasures all mine." Roman said nodding.
"Anyway give me a call I'm free anyday after Thursday so..." Tosh said.
Alright see you later I guess." Roman said smiling.
     Tosh took off running to the bus stop so he could attend his classes while Roman was left behind still awestruck. He'd just met what he felt like was a angel from heaven. Kind, sweet, and open minded. Maybe Roman had just truly found his prince chaming.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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