Destructions, distractions, and deals?

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*4 years later*

"Oh (name), daddy needs your help." I looked up from my book, a smile plastered on my face, "coming daddy!" I jumped up going up the stairs to Jim's office, and yes i loved calling him daddy, he loved it too. "Come here." He beckoned my over with his pointer finger, pointing to his lap as i sign to say, sit there, which i of course complied to.

"I want to mess with some and i need your help." I sighed lying back on the silky westwood jim wore "he better not be boring." "Trust daddy, he's not boring." I felt jim move my hair from near my ear and started to kiss downward to my shoulder, he started pulling down my shirt to kiss further but a ringing interrupted him, his phone of course, "hello...fine...shut up or ill skin you alive... better not or ill make you into boots."

I giggled a little, shifting to face Jim, that was some interesting conversation that was going on. Jim sighed tapping a key on his computer, a blast could be heard and an evil laugh escaped his lips.

"Sweetie Daddy needs you to go to 221B Baker St. Mess with him a bit okay?" "Okay Daddy." "Now where was I..." A smile was plastered on his face as he put his lips in the crook of my neck... 221B? What's so special about them?

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