A party?

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A/N: really sorry it's so short and took me so long, so many tests lately T~T sorry!!

I sighed as i lied on the bed waiting for 'daddy' to get home, "So Sherlock Holmes is now London's great Consulting Detective is he?" I looked out of the window, it looked so dark and well... Disastrous, the weather was being the weather here in London, the rain splashing and drizzling down the transparent glass.

"That looks so damn depressing!" I yelled out frustrated, jumping up and closing the blinds, "well someones not happy!~" ohh that voice, that dominate voice rang out in the room "Of course im not fucking happy! He becomes a great detective, I'm smarter than that twat!" I let out a growl of frustration, "Now, now clam down." "Fuck off Jim."

I regretted saying those words, "say that again, i didn't hear you clearly, did you tell me to fuck off?" His words were soft yet dangerous, that off a snake watching it's prey closely, threatening to attack, yet torturing it to get it's reaction. I hated yet loved when he did that, the look he gave me, the way he stood.

"Im sorry,daddy, i didnt mean it." I heard a sigh escape his lips as he kissed my cheek, "get ready, we have a party to go to, its a pool party," that smirk, so devious yet so, happy.

"A party?"

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