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The next day come but I still haven't seen P'Nine, not even answering his phone when I called.

"P'Ben!" I called when I saw him walking out their faculty.

"Oh hey Joong!" He greeted back and walk to me.

"Uh, P' Have you seen p'Nine?" I asked.

"No, He didn't attend the class today." P'Ben says, I just nod and thanked him.

I decide it's better if I should go to P'Nines dorm to check him myself. I bought some of his favourite snacks to bring with me, but then when I got in front of his dorm room he's not answering. I tried to call him but again not answering, I keep banging and banging the door until I heard my phone rings.

"P'Nai! I'm at your dorm." I instantly said as soon as I pick up the call.

"Sorry Joong, I'm at my parents house today." He said.

"Oh." I said. " Why didn't you tell me. Is Aunty and Uncle fine?" I asked and he just hummed.

"When are you going back? I missed you already." I told him.

"Joong, I have to go. Mom is calling me to help her with something." He says, and I heard a bit crack on his voice.

I still don't know why, but my guts is telling me that P'Nine is not telling me something.

"Okay, I'll wait for your call na. I love you." I said.

Silence... I wait for him to hang up the phone but it just left hanged.

"Are you still on the line P'?" I asked, he is usually always the first one to hang up every phone calls we have. I get more worried.

"Joong–" He said and I heard that crack in his voice again. Is he crying? Before I even manage to ask him if everything is fine he then said the thing I never imagine he would tell me someday.

"I think we should break up." My heart skipped a beat. I felt like everything stops and everything went silent.

"W-what?" I manage to ask. Part of me is hopping that this is him trying to just prank me.

"It's the best thing for us now." He said. I'm confused. I don't know what's really happening. Did he get tired of me? Did Aunty and uncle told him to break up with me? But his parents like me don't they? they're good to me everytime we meet them during dinner and family events.

"P'Nine–" I called his name.

"Tell me what's happening please." I begged, trying not to cry.

" I love you Joong." He said then end the call.

I tried to call him once again but his phone is shut down.  All I can do is break down, still here in front of his dorm room leaning against the door.

I wish to Love you Longer. | JoongNineWhere stories live. Discover now