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One week- two weeks - three weeks- four weeks have passed. Nine still haven't went back to his classes, Joong is still trying to go back to Nine's dorm every day as soon as his class ends. For the one last time he want to meet his p'Nine to convince him that no matter what it is happening now he will be staying by his side and they don't need to end their relationship.

Joong was about to left his faculty when he heard his head hazer called him.

"Sawatdee krub p'Phoom." He greeted the guy.

"How are you?" His hazer asked, sounding worried.

"I'm fine I guess." Joong replied.

"I heard from Dome what have happend."

"Hmmmm... I still want to talk to him P'. He said he love me but he broke up with me, he is even avoiding me. Heck I don't know if he's still here in Thailand because it's been three weeks and he still haven't went back to his classes nor his dorm."
Joong failed to control himself and broke down in front of Phoom who is now surprise.

That is not what he heard from Dome. He didn't knew the two younger couple have broke up.

"Joong." Phoom called, concerned to the junior student who is like a younger brother to him.

"I don't know if I should be the one telling you this." He said making Joong looked up to face him.

"What is it P'?" Joong asked wiping his own tears on his knuckles.

"Just call this number." Phoom said, as he grab his phone and forwarded a phone number to Joong.

"Go back to your dorm first. You can skip the meeting tonight na, you need some rest." Phoom said tapping Joong's shoulder before he left the young one.


Joong went back straight to his dorm this time.

Sitting on the end of his bed he dialed the number that Phoom gave him.

"Hello, Sukhumvit Hospital. This is Nurse Nati." A woman voice from the other line answered.

"Uh, sorry I must have dialed the wrong number. I'm looking for my friend. Sorry to bother." Joong said, was about to hang up the call when the nursed asked him what is the name of his friend.

"Uh.. Nine. Nine Kornchid." Joong said with a bit of hesitation.

"Oh yes, he is a patient here." The nurse said.

"Really? W-what happend? Why is he there? How is he?" Stuttering, Joong asked.

"Just come by and visit him sir." The nurse said, and told him the room and building floor location before she ended the call.

I wish to Love you Longer. | JoongNineWhere stories live. Discover now