Heading To PAX South - Part 3

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Heading To PAX South 

"Ladies and Gentlemen heading for San Antonio, Texas. The plane is now boarding"

I jumped up, dragging Chilled up with me

"Wooh someone would think you're excited for PAX" Chilled laughed as I continued to drag him 

"Baby heeeeelp" He held out an arm to Emily as she just shook her head and watched

"I just want to get out of this town, PAX is the way to do that" I replied as we got to the front of the line 

"Thank you Anthony and John" I nodded as we made it to the plane

I got comfy next to Emily and the window

"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU CHILLEDCHAOS!?" I looked over seeing two girls squealing over Chilled

"The whole Derp Crew is here" Her friend replied

"Smarty I love you!!" One yelled

"Thanks" I fake smiled 

"We are going to get married some day" She yelled again

"No we are not." I mumbled as they finally left

"You sir need to get better with the fans and even the fan girls" Tom turned around 

"Ehh, couldn't care less right now guys" I growled closing my eyes

"Promise me nothing to lovely dovey" I looked over at them both, talking to Emily

"Ohh but I was going to have sex with her right here" Chilled winked as she hit him softly 

"Ouch, baby that's mean" 

"I'm sorry sweetie" He lent in kissing her as I looked back out the window

Lets just say... the window became my best friend that flight

The flight was long and everything from my head to toes hurt but we still had to get to the Westin Riverwalk Hotel. 

"So we have to walk" Tom walked over with a sleepy Ellie holding her arms

"Dude come one, we are all tired as shit!" Chilled replied

"Lets just go please"

We all started heading out the door and down the road

"My foot!" I turned around seeing that I had just ran over a young ladies foot

"I'm sorry" I replied 

"It's okay, I've had worse"She smiled moving her soft brown hair out of her face

"My friend is wondering if you'll be at PAX?" She just laughed running back to her friends

"Smarty and random girl sitting in a tree" Ze started to sing

"Shhh you!" Miyo hit him 

I wonder who that girl was... Would I see her again at PAX or was that a time when you just need to follow someone and hope its the right destiny.

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