Lost - Part 11

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Lost - *Smarty's POV*

I woke up in my hotel room looking around

"He is awake" Ze yelled

"Good he can make it to dinner" Chilled laughed

"Ahh, what happened?" I asked sitting up slowly

"That Maddie chick attacked you while we were on the panel"

"How was I knocked out?" 


I got up walking towards the door

"Dude where are you going like this?" Tom asked grabbing my arm

"To see her."

I slammed my hand on the door


I waited for an answer

"Maddie!!" I banged harder

"Dude she isn't here.." I turned around seeing Libby behind me

"I want answers" 

"Doubt you'll get any" She walked past unlocking the door

"Why did she attack me?" 

"Our panel got moved to tomorrow, just so you guys could have extra time that you didn't even need" She leaned against the wall

"So that made her attack me?" I leaned on the door frame

"Well I'm not sure... She said that you ruined her life or something and ran off"

"So pretty much you have as much info as I do?" She nodded

"Look I'm sorry I couldn't help you but she is missing and we can't find her"

"M-Missing?" I choked out

"She was last seen with a black haired man, he had piercin-"

"Entoan.." I growled under my breath

"She was last seen at the Lawn on D" 

"Thanks" I turned running down the hallway 

When I got there she was no where to be seen 

"Nah he went with some girl to the beach" I heard a familiar voice

"Dlive!" I ran over to him

"Hey man" He hugged me as he went back talking to Minx and Mark

"Who went to the beach?" 

"Entoan and a young girl" 

"You know her friends think she is missing right?" I asked

"Well no, I went to find them when we found her but everyone said they had already left"

"Found her? Where?" 

"Just over at that tree, she looked like she had a really bad day. When I got back they were hand in hand and he said he was going to the beach" 

"Okay... Thanks.." 

I turned around walking off.. I really didn't want to find her now.. I guess I can give Libby the information but as for running after the girl.. I think I'll pass.. Shes with Entoan anyway.. He is better then me in most ways so why should I even bother?...

The Panel Girl - TehSmarty (Teh Smarty) FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now