The Race - Part 13

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The Race - *Maddie's POV*

I stood at the doorway to the hotel thinking, was it quicker to run or get a cab?.. It was peek hour traffic and most people like to fly in the morning so the airport could be hell. But then again it was only three kilometers from this place, I hadn't ran that far in about four years and I don't know if I could make it in forty-five minutes.

I took up the challenge running in the direction of the airport and towards the man I had hurt with my stupid decisions.

"Miss do you want a lift?" I heard a smart ass guy yell, as I just ignored it running faster.


"Hello?" I asked answering 

"Where the fuck are you!?" Libby yelled down the phone

"About one point five kilometres from the airport"

"Why!?" She yelled louder

"I need to do something man! I have to help someone that I hurt!"


"H-How did you?.."

"He came and saw me.. I hadn't seen you at that time.. I still haven't seen you!" 

"Well don't put out a missing persons thingy, I'll be back at the hotel soon" She sighed hanging up as I finally saw the airport in my sight, but it was 9:45am, I had no idea what time the plane left, nor if it already had!

I burst through the doors almost knocking a couple over

"Sorry" I yelled looking around

East was Boston to Seattle - 10:25am

West was Boston to New York - 10:00am

I realised I had 10 minutes till the New York plane would leave. 

I caught my breath running towards it as I avoided the slow people and the talkers

Once at the boarding line I freaked as it closed

"Excuse me is a John Watson on this flight!?" The young girl looked up

"I can't give you that information" I nodded walking away 

"Are you looking for the John Watson better known as Teh Smarty?" I heard a little boy ask

"Yeah I am, have you seen him?" I knelled down asking

"No, I've been here since they started boarding and I never saw his yellow shirt or his funny hair" I smiled

"Thankyou so much!" I hugged him running back to where I begun 

"Miyo!" I screamed as I saw her with the little group as they lined up 

"Maddie! Was he there?" 

I grabbed her hand

"He is on that flight! He wasn't on the New York flight!" She smiled

"I'll look after him, see you at Seattle right?" I nodded

"Talk to him then" She suggested

"I planed to do that" I laughed as she boarded while I died on the couch

I just ran over three kilometres for a guy that I thought was a silly crush.. But maybe he was meant to be more.. But would he take me after everything I did?

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