Final Day at PAX 2016 (Part 2) - Finale

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Final Day at PAX 2016 (Part 2) - *Smarty's POV*

I looked in the mirror realising how different I looked, My hair was pulled back, I had jeans, boots and a button up shirt on, I wasn't over the top but I didn't look like I had just been dragged in by the cat. 

*Beep Beep*

Maddie: You coming tonight? 

Smarty: Yeah, you?

Maddie: Yeep 

Smarty: Want to talk at some point?

Maddie: Well I have to help out with the party and I do have to leave before 3am, so I only promise to try

I smiled putting my phone back in my pocket, quickly fixing the little bit of my hair.

When we first arrived the place was packed, over 500 people had to be here. I looked around seeing Libby and another girl waving at us

"Hello my Derps" She danced a little as we all replied

"Wheres Maddie?" I asked, she giggled pointing at the stage. I looked over at her playing bass for the band that was on tonight

:She never told me she could play"

"You never asked" The girl did have a point

I felt Emily grab my arm dragging me towards the dance floor as Chilled tried to drag me towards the food

"Guys I don't streach, only break" I laughed but they didn't listen still trying 

"Galm!" he looked over before losing it in fits of laughter 

"Just help me" I pleaded, he grabbed Chilled's arm asI walked away with Emily

Around 1am Maddie's band finally finished as I meet her at the edge of the stage

"Hey" I smiled

"Hello" She started to put her bass in it's case

"I was wondering if you wanted to go outside and talk?" 

"Well I need some food, want to walk KFC with me?" I nodded 

"I just have to drop the bass off at the hotel" She got up grabbing her bag as I carried the bass

"Thankyou" She smiled to the receptionist

"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked 


"There is no us" Ouch..

"Look Maddie I have feelings for you" I stood infront of her softly grabbing her chin looking into her eyes

"I think I have feelings too, but I just don't know.."

"Take a chance" 

"I can't I need to know exactly what I feel" I relised that our noses were almost touching, I softly kissed her but she didn't push me back, instead she pulled me closer deepening the kiss.

"I like you John.. But I can't do distance.." She looked down playing with her hands

"Then come live with me" 

"I have university and a job! I can't just leave that! Why don't we just stay friends.. If something ever happens.. It happens..."

I think this is what poeple call friendzoned.. 

 I don't care if she didn't want anything yet I would show her that I was worth the risk and that I would never hurt her....

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