Writers Panel - Part 17

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Writers Panel - *Smarty's POV*

I sat up the back playing on my phone

"Welcome to Lauren Kate, Suzanne Collins and for the special Australian PAX appearance Ambelin Kwaymullina" I watched as people clapped and cheered

"And finally our two young Aussie girl's, Maddie Sanderson and Libby Kole" 

I clapped as they sat down and Maddie smiled at me 

They talked for a while about their books but Maddie still hadn't dropped a name of anything she had wrote 

"So any questions?"  The speaker asked

"Maddie, how is your Teh Smarty story coming along?" 

"It is okay, I will be posting a chapter tonight"

S-she was a Fanfiction writer... I had fallen for one.. 

I sat there with my head in my hands. You are an idiot John! You told yourself this would never happen! They are all freaks that just want to have sex with youtubers or whatever famous person they write about.

"Why don't you write smut?" A young kid asked

"I don't feel like my stories need it, I feel like you could love the person with having to drag them into bed and having your way with them" 

I sat up listening to the end of the panel

I waited for all the fans to leave as she grabbed her stuff walking over

"So now you know the truth"

"That's pretty cool" 

"Wow, lie much, I watched you react to that kids question.. You probably think I'm a freak"

"I did.." She nodded 

"But I don't anymore" 


"Because I thought they were all freaks that just wanted to have sex with youtubers, but you showed me that some just want to get to know the person or have a nice story for all ages"

"But you haven't even read anything"

"Give me one, I'll read it tonight and get back to you tomorrow before the end of PAX" She nodded looking through her phone

"Do you want one about yourself or just random people?"

"Well what is your writer name?"

"On Wattpad it is Mrs_Meow" She laughed

"Well I'll look it up tonight" I smiled

I was scared, could this change the way I looked at her?... Would I run and never come back? 

John get yourself together and give the girl a bloody chance!

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