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Attention shrimps!

My name is Milo, but in this book you either call me CAPTAIN or you get thrown off the ship. 🗿

You're about to go through some tough training, and I cannot guarantee you'll survive, but I can guarantee that you will learn something from this painstaking experience.


Here are the RULES :

1. You do not HESITATE in the midst of battle

aka ask questions

2. You do not ATTACK your comrade

aka respect everyone

3. Do not CRY else you'll REDO the training

aka don't whine about how bad you are xx

4. Do not QUIT on the job

never stop designing


lmao do you actually think this is an actual training? 🤡🤡


Captain xx

Update : yes i unpublished to fix some things and add more watermarks to my graphics since there's a lot of thievery going on in this smut app.

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