IX -What NOT To Do To Graphic Designers

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Are you a wandering passerby who likes the graphic community? Are you a frequent requester? Are you an interactive graphic designer?

Well then, you're in the right place!

Today is a different type of thing, not about graphics but about the designers and communities themselves :) and things you should never say/do to graphic designers unless you want to get beaten up.

+Ps. I use "you're/you/you've etc" in place of "they're/they/they've etc" to make it sound more attacking :)



1. Ignore the rules they set out

Every graphic designer has a specific set of rules in their shop–ranging from the most general ones being "don't claim as your own" and "don't shop hop", to more specific ones like "don't request trilogies" and "don't request celebrity face claims".

These rules, no matter how broad or specific, are sacred as fuck, and as a requester you should have the basic decency to go THROUGH these rules before hopping into the comments and filling out a form.

Like honestly sometimes I wonder if people on wattpad can actually read, because designers be like

"password is your favourite colour"–in bold underlined italics capitals.

and requesters gon be like

and requesters gon be like

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

2. Get mad when they deny your request.

I'm sorry, are you paying them to make your cover?

The entitlement is baffling to me because like,, the only thing you're giving the graphic designer is probably a follow and a shout-out or some pointless shit yet you think they should drop everything in the world to make a cover for your basic book???

Some designers just won't want to make your cover out of personal reasons or because your request was a fucking mess. There's no need to be a bitch about rejection. Go find some other shops you fucking graph-incel.

3. Edit the graphic they make for you

What is now the fucking point of asking someone else to make your cover??

Just make it by yourself if that's the case, useless fellow 😒

No fr, I just don't understand why you can't just be like "hey i like this thank you sm! But could you maybe reduce the saturation a bit?" LITERALLY no designer will attack you for doing that jfc.

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