Part 1

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A/N I only just started watching this show so they will probably be out of character and I may possibly not have all the info. (I'm only on season 1) So apologies in advance. Thank you for stopping by to read this.

Bakugo entered the room, his head ached terribly and he attempted to ignore the dizziness, nausea and slightly blurred vision as he approached the figure on the bed. He swayed slightly on his feet, grabbing onto the bed rail to steady himself.

"Damn nerd." He spat. "What the hell did you do this time, every time I turn around you got something wrong with you. It's really pathetic, Deku." His only reply was the steady beeping of the machines around the bed. "This is exactly why you shouldn't be in UA. People like you aren't strong enough. Y-you shouldn't even be here." Izuku had always been weak, Bakugo wasn't surprised to hear he had been injured yet again. Unable to stand any longer, he lowered himself onto the chair behind him. He leaned back, closing his eyes.

"I told you not to even think about enrolling in UA." Bakugo's tone was now softer. There were so many things he wanted to say to the teen and many more he never could. How could he after everything that he'd said and done already?

"Bakugo?" The blond boy opened his eyes, but didn't bother turning to look at the man.

"What?" He answered shortly, resting his head in his hands, the pain was worsening.

"What are you doing in here, you should be resting." All Might stood at the boy's side now. "After a day like today, I would think you would all-"

"What are you talking about?"

"You really don't know?" The man asked with a sigh. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, they said you have a concussion. You took a pretty hard hit. It's a long story, I can explain it later, right now we need to get you back to your room."

"I don't remember any-"

"You won't, that's part of having a concussion."

"What happened to him?" the teen gestured to Izuku. All might didn't answer immediately.

"Midoriya isn't well-"

"No shit. What's-"

"Like I said, you should be resting, we can talk about all of this when you're feeling better."

"We'll talk about it now."The teen insisted angrily, All Might shook his head.

"He was very badly injured. He was bleeding internally, the impact of the-"

"What did you say?" Bakugo raised his head, at last turning to the man.

"Symptoms were slightly delayed; probably the adrenaline. He seemed fine when everyone arrived. He was helping look after everyone when he started to feel the pain. He lost a lot of blood, that kind of bleeding can be very unpredictable and there's a good chance he won't make it through the night." The news hit Bakugo hard, but before he could react, Izuku coughed weakly from the bed.

"K-Kacchan?"The voice was just above a whisper.

"What do you want,Deku?" the teen replied, attempting to keep his usual demeanor.

"Is your head okay?" Bakugo scoffed.

"Head's fine. Stop worrying about me, damn it. I don't need you-"

"I-I know you don't." The pale teen interrupted softly. "Don't worry, I won't be able to much longer. I know I'm just an annoyance to you, I'm sorry." Another weak cough took over, through blurry eyes, Bakugo noticed a small streak of crimson from the corner of Izuku's mouth. He forced himself out of his chair and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table,

"Kacchan, please d-" Bakugo ignored the boy's words, gently wiping it away.

"Shut up and rest." The blond growled. Izuku moaned painfully, closing his eyes,

"Take it easy, Young Midoriya." All Might instructed, moving closer to them.

"I'm so sorry, I failed you." Izuku sobbed. "You gave me-"

"You haven't failed anyone." The man soothed. "You only proved the doubters wrong. I'm proud of your accomplishments." the hero's words seemed to comfort Deku.

"M-my mom-" Izuku said suddenly. "She- can you tell her I l-"

"The hell we will." Bakugo leaned on the bed rail for support, glaring at his rival. "I'm not telling her a damn thing, you will. You really think I'm going to let you off that easy, I'm still going to kick your ass."

"Please Kacchan, can't you give me a break this once, I-I really don't feel good and if this is the last time I get to talk to you-"

"It's not. I told you, you don't get out of this."

"But it's what you want, isn't Kacchan, y-you've told me to kill myself before-"

"Because I knew you wouldn't actually do it, Idiot."

"So that makes it-"

"No one said that, Deku, shut up and rest."Izuku cried out suddenly as a wave of pain tore through his body.


"Bakugo, I need to get the doctor, are you alright to-"

"Just go." The boy fixed his attention on Izuku. He watched his childhood friend let his head fall to the side as more blood trickled from the injured boy's mouth.



"I-I'm afraid to die." Izuku sobbed.

"Then don't." Before he could stop himself, Bakugo had reached out and taken Izuku's hand in his own. "It's going to be fine."

"Y-You can't say that. It's getting hard to see, Kacchan." His breathing was coming more quickly now as his panic was setting in.

"You're only making it worse, relax."

"W-why do you sound so far away now, Kacchan, a-are you leaving me?" Bakugo's heart sank as he struggled to keep his composure.

"No Izuku, I'm still here. But just so you don't get any ideas, if you die, I will kill you. "

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