Part 2

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"Katsuki." The faint male voice called, pulling Bakugo from his sleep once again. The teen was exhausted. He lay still, not wanting to get up, he was becoming more aware of the returning pain in his head with each moment that passed. He groaned sleepily. Though his mind continued to feel foggy, one clear thought entered it.

"I-Izuku?" He vaguely recalled speaking with the boy at some point.He forced his eyes open and sat up, looking around, the room began to spin around him. The boy was nowhere to be found.

"Katsuki, sit down son, your mother-"

"No. Izuku, wh-" Masaru placed his hands on his son's shoulders, guiding him back to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Slow down,you don't remember your mother talking to you about him?"

"If I did, why the hell would I ask you?"he asked angrily.

"Do you know where you are right now?"

"Answer me!"

"Ka-"The teen stood up once more, taking a step forward, pausing for a moment. The older man again grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Let me go." He growled.

"Sit down. You shouldn't be wandering around on your own right now. You sit down and We'll talk about it. Your mom should be back soon."

"Where the hell-"

"She's up on the third floor with Izuku's mother and some of your classmates. I don't know how much you know about any of this, but Izuku isn't- it doesn't look good,Katsuki. They had to take him for emergency surgery to stop the bleeding,he was barely conscious when we arrived." Bakugo vaguely recalled small parts of his visit with Deku and his parents following Inko into the room.

" What happened with it?" Bakugo asked, looking down at the sheet on his bed. Masaru glanced down at his phone.

"No one's been out yet. They said-Katsuki, where do you think you're going?"The older man demanded.

"Third floor." Bakugo pushed past his father and headed to the door, pausing to briefly use the wall for support.

"You can't just- Do you even know where you're actually going?"The man reached toward his son only to have him pull away.

"It's in your best interest to stay out of my way."Bakugo growled.

"I can't let you run around like this,you have a-"The older man sighed. He would never win this argument, Katsuki was too much like his mother.

"Alright," he said, "But give me one minute. Can you do that, Son?"

"I don't have a minute." The blond raged, he had to make it.

"Just sit down before you fall down. I'll be back in a minute." Bakugo reluctantly allowed his father to help him into the chair. "Don't move." Masaru disappeared from view seconds later. Bakugo leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

"Stupid Deku." He murmured. "Damn headache..." He began to drift into the quiet darkness, too tired to stay awake much longer. He fought against sleep as he waited for his father to return. Suddenly a hand touched his arm, pulling him back into awareness. He forced his eyes open to find Masaru next to him, a wheelchair sat in front of the teen.

"What do you think you're doing with that damn thing?" He inquired, gesturing to the object.

"You're going to sit in it. The last thing you need right now is another head injury."

"I'm fine. I don't need you pushing me around like some-"

"Katsuki, you were leaning on the wall, you're not walking. I know you want to see your friend but-"

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