Part 3

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"The fever isn't uncommon with a blood transfusion. We're introducing something foreign into Izuku's body. Although the blood is compatible, it wasn't made in his body and will sometimes cause a reaction. It's something to keep watch on, but not much of a concern at the moment. We're monitoring him closely but we may need to take it a bit slower on the next one. It's a good sign that he made it through last night." The nurse explained, reading through her notes. Inko nodded, crossing her arms in front of her. Her tear filled eyes locked on her son. She felt helpless, her son lay before her and she could do nothing but wait.

"Is there anyway you can tell me how long he'll...he'll need the ventilator and when we can expect him to wake up?"

"Izuku's the only one that can give you your answer as far as his breathing. Everyone's healing process is different.It takes patients hours, sometimes days after surgery to wake up. It depends on the person's condition and reaction to medication, it might help you to know that it's just helping him to breathe, not doing it completely for him. When he can show us his breathing is improving and he can be awake, the doctor can start thinking about extubating him, that's taking the breathing tube out." She added noticing the confusion on the older woman's face. "If he doesn't catch VAP or any other complications between now and then, he'll be on his way to recovery soon after."

"V-VAP?"Inko asked worriedly.

"Ventilator associated Pneumonia." The nurse continued. "The sooner we get him off of it, the better his chance of avoiding further complications. Right now, he's resting and that's the best thing for him given the circumstances." The brown haired woman placed a comforting hand on Inko's arm.

"I can't imagine how difficult this is for you, Mrs. Midoriya. If you need anything, please let us know." Inko nodded, thanking her. With a heavy heart, Inko attempted to pull herself together for her son.

"Izuku, baby...please,I'm worried about you. All of us are.Your friends called to check on you. I invited them to see you after school." She sniffled " When you do wake up, you and I are going to have a serious talk about this. I Should bring you straight home and keep you there. I-I don't know what to do with you, Izuku Midoriya, you scare me half to death sometimes."She scolded through sobs. "I should put you on the phone with your dad, let him give you a good talking to, but you and I both know how that would turn out." A soft knock caused her to turn. Mitsuki pushed Katsuki inside, stopping beside her. A plastic bag hanging from the back of the wheelchair.

"How are you holding up?"She asked, embracing her friend.

"Not good.He has a fever, and a while to go on the transfusion. They said it's nothing to worry about but he's my baby and it seems like things are-"

"I know, Inko."the blond woman soothed, releasing her.

"I just feel so helpless, my son needs me and I can't do anything to help him.I'm so afraid the next one's going to make the fever worse, or he'll develop other complications. I don't know what to do for him."

"One of the hardest things for a mom to realize is you can't protect your kid from everything. Sometimes all you can do is comfort them, it helps more than you think. Just remember to take care of yourself too,Inko." Mitsuki moved back to the wheelchair taking hold of the bag.

"You haven't eaten since yesterday. I sent Masaru out to get something.. Katsuki is such a spoiled brat he thinks he's above hospital food."She glared at her son. She handed the bag to Inko.The dark haired woman thanked her.

"Hag."Katsuki spat.

"Sounds like Katsuki is feeling better today." Inko sniffed. "You didn't have to do this."

"It was actually Katsuki's idea if you can believe it, he has his moments. But He's getting there, the doctor wants him to have another scan in the morning just to be safe. If everything looks good, they'll send him home the following day. They say we'll have to keep him home for about a week and no training for at least two just to be safe, they'll tell us at his follow up. He's still getting headaches and vision problems though." Inko smiled faintly at the teen.

"Thank you, Katsuki." Bakugo scoffed.

"Yeah."He replied.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." The teen didn't reply, his thoughts turning to Deku. Bakugo stood from his chair and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Katsuki, don't-

"It's okay, Mitsuki." Inko said. "Izuku could use a friend right now. It'll mean a lot to him, and I'm sure Katsuki's ready to be out of that chair."

"Katsuki, you be nice with Izuku, you hear me?"The blond woman warned.

"Whatever."Inko motioned for her friend to follow her into the hall, giving Bakugo some time alone with Deku.

"Let's go, Deku." Bakugo growled."You wanted me to stay, here I am. But that means you're stuck here too, you hear me. You can stop freaking everyone out now, we know how this turns out. You're gonna wake up, spend some time in here and get your ass back to school so I can kick it for all this shit.So just let's skip all the dramatics, Nerd." Izuku remained still, offering no indication that he had heard him.

"Look, I don't know what the hell you want me to do here. It's kinda pissing me off. I don't remember much of the last few days, but whatever happened, it comes right back to you. The hell did you do anyway?"Bakugo sighed heavily. After a moment of hesitation, he reached out, gently stroking the teen's hand, He slid his fingers under Izuku's,taking hold of his index ,middle and ring fingers, giving them a small squeeze.

"Come on, Izuku. I get that you're going through some shit...I guess it's kind of good, at least you're resting."He placed his free hand lightly on Izuku's forehead, taking note of the fever.

"It's not real bad, you got this, Deku. They're sending me home soon, I guess. You better be up before then. You better-" Bakugo was interrupted by the sound of voices in the hall. He growled softly, releasing Izuku's hand but remained still for a moment longer, gazing upon the teen's pale face. He stood up, fixing the blanket around Izuku and moving back to his chair, just as Iida came into view.

"Bakugo, how are y-"

"I keep telling you guys, I'm fine." The blond grumbled, more of their classmates soon joined them.

"Hey Bakugo!" Kirishima greeted. "Hanging out with Deku today?" Bakugo scoffed.

"Yeah right, my mom put me in here." The red haired teen looked at him skeptically.

"Whatever you say, Man. But you know there's nothing wrong with-"

"Shut up!" Kirishima smirked, but said nothing more. Instead, he turned his attention to Izuku. Bakugo didn't talk much during their visit, claiming he had a headache and avoiding eye contact with the group. He would continue his conversation with izuku later.

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