Part 4

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Bakugo sat on the edge of his bed, his parents had settled themselves on the chairs beside him.

No one spoke, as Mitsuki and her husband waited anxiously for the results of their son's head scan. Katsuki however allowed his mind to wander back to the injured teen resting on the floor above him. He had spent most of the previous day with Izuku and his classmates, with a brief visit from All Might that evening. Inko spent most of her time sobbing over the boy, Bakugo was never good at dealing with such things, leaving it to All Might to console her.

Despite all the pleading from his mother and encouragement from his mentor and friends, Izuku continued to sleep with no indication of waking.

The doctor knocked gently, pulling Bakugo out of his thoughts. He moved inside the room, offering a friendly smile. Katsuki however didn't seem to care for his presence.

"Katsuki, how are you feeling today?"He asked politely, earning a glare from the teen.

"I know, but I need to ask. I have be sure you're feeling okay. I do have some good news, I've just gotten your scans back and there's nothing to suggest any serious problems. I think you'll be able to go home tomorrow afternoon."

"Good."Mitsuki said with a sigh of relief.

"I do recommend that Katsuki not be left alone until he's had more time to recover, just in case he gets a sudden dizzy spell or gets confused, just as a precaution. We'll set up a follow up appointment before you leave and get another scan and if all goes well, he'll be well on his way. " Bakugo wasn't listening, his eyes were fixed on what little he could see in the hallway. Mitsuki's phone interrupted the conversation. She glanced down, frowning.

"I'm sorry, I have to get this." She said, concern filling her voice. She excused herself into the hall and disappeared from view. Bakugo narrowed his eyes, but didn't move, knowing his father and the doctor would attempt to stop him. Masaru moved to place a hand on his son's shoulder only to have the boy pull away.

"Isn't this great, Katsuki?" He asked, thanking the doctor as the man left.

"Yeah." Bakugo stood up, taking a step forward when his father's phone also went off. The older man seemed troubled by the message.

"Sit down, Katsuki." Bakugo didn't like the tone in his father's voice, his heart instantly dropped into his stomach.

"Who was it?"Katsuki asked.

"Just sit down, I need you to be-"

"Show me the phone."Bakugo demanded, holding out his hand.


"Hand it over!"

"No, I can't let you just-" Katsuki grabbed the man's arm, easily pulling the device from it and blocking his attempt at retrieving it.

Keep Katsuki in his room. I'll let you know when something changes. Inko needs me up here right now.

Without a word, Bakugo tossed the phone back, dashing into the hall.

"KATSUKI!" Masaru cried chasing after him. The teen had already made it to the stairs. Bakugo paused only a moment to catch his breath on the landing, falling to his knees. The dizziness took over, making it difficult to stand.

"Katsuki, stop!" His father shouted, but the teen was determined to reach his destination. He reached out, pulling himself up on the railing. Once on the floor, he could hear Inko's deep sobs and the alarms beeping. He pushed open the heavy wooden door and turned in the direction of the sounds.

"This c-can't be h-happening."Inko sobbed on her knees, Mitsuki hugged her tightly. Todoroki and Kirishma were also doing their best to comfort Inko. Bakugo ran toward the group, gasping. Nurses rushed into the injured teen's room with various equipment, one older nurse stopped to insist the group move to a waiting area. Bakugo stopped in front of Izuku's door, unable to stand on his legs that were now shaking.

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