Part 5

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The following two days passed by for the most part, uneventfully. Bakugo had been forced to remain in the hospital for observations after his reaction to Izuku's condition. Something that only fueled the fire burning within the teen. Because of Deku, he had shown his classmates weakness, This was an unacceptable act and completely Izuku's fault. . He glanced over at the sleeping teen, who earlier that morning managed to convince the doctors to take out the breathing tube despite still being quite weak. He had yet to attempt to speak or drink as the nurse had instructed. Instead, the boy merely slept.

"Damn Deku. Why can't I go back to my room?"He growled.

"Because you won't stay there,"Mitsuki replied. "We couldn't keep you away from Izuku, So we decided that the safest place for you is sharing a room. You got what you wanted, Katsuki."Bakugo scoffed.

"Yeah, I really wanted to be stuck with that stupid nerd."

"Stop that. You must have wanted to be 'stuck with him' . You couldn't seem to stay away before. What were we supposed to do, Katsuki? You could've been seriously hurt.."

"Well I didn't. If I can't go home, at least give me-"

"You can't go home because you can't do as you're told. You were supposed to stay in your room, Katsuki. I was trying to protect-"

"You don't need to protect me, I'm not a baby. I had a right to know."

"Not when it affects your health negatively. I could have spoken to you later on. It's very important that you don't have too much brain stimulation right now. You need to let your brain rest. You see Izuku came out of it."

"Might not have You didn't know if he would or not." The thought still troubled Bakugo, even if he wouldn't admit to it out loud.

"Katsuki-" The teen simply turned away from her, ending the conversation. By that afternoon, Kirishima, Tsu and Uraraka had arrived, followed by Iida.

"Hey, Bakugo,"Kirishima greeted. "They moved you in here?" The teen didn't reply.

"Look, if you're still mad about the other day-"

""Shut up."

"Fine, but there's nothing wrong with being concerned. I'm just saying."

"Well don't." Bakugo grumbled. The students gathered around Izuku's bed.

"He's still so pale..."Uraraka pointed out, bowing her head.

"Yeah, but the breathing tube's out now."Tsu replied. "That means he's getting better, even if it is happening slowly."

"We can't expect him to improve overnight, He nearly died the-"

"Stop saying that." Bakugo demanded.

"Look, none of us were happy about it, man."Kirishma replied. "We're not saying it to-"

"Just don't say it." Though Bakugo knew it was true, Izuku's heart had stopped. Before that according to the surgeon, he was nearly lost on the operating table. It was all too close for Katsuki. He turned in his bed to watch the group.

"You really think he's okay?"

"He's fine."Bakugo said. "He was awake earlier.He's just being a jerk."Bakugo grabbed his cup of water, moving to Izuku's bed. He placed his fingers in the cup and began flicking water droplets onto the pale teen's face. Izuku flinched, not bothering to open his eyes.

"St-stop it K-Kacchan."Deku said, his voice strained and weak. "I-I don't feel good.."

"How the hell did you even know it was me?" This time Deku looked up into his rival's eyes.

Fallen heroes, rising secretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora