Chapter Fifteen

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"You're still mad" Ryker says as I plop down beside him in biology on Thursday. I so desperately want to ignore him but somehow the words keep toppling out before I can stop them.

"What do you think?" I glare at him. He shrugs and says, "I'm not going to apologize, if that's what you're waiting for. It's not that of a big deal anyway. You've wasted your 48 hours in trying to be mad at me"

"First of all, I'm always mad at you. Secondly, you ditched me so you can go hook up with Megan. And you didn't even have the decency to inform me about it. I stood in the parking lot for almost an hour before Rhys came to pick me up, apologizing on your behalf. I think my behaviour is quite justified" I whisper yell as to not attract any attention. Though I didn't do a good job.

"I'm not used to waiting for someone like a damn taxi, okay? Plus, it's not my job to remember that you are depending on me to drive you around" he says back. This time, I do keep quiet, not wanting to continue this show any further. Like usual, I let my hair fall between us and try to ignore him my best.

The moment the bell rings, I jump out of my seat and am out in the hallways in a flash. It doesn't take long for me to spot Rome and Jake. And Amanda, of course. Rome and she have become good friends in the past few days. It's only a matter of time before it escalates.

"Hey guys" I say as I reach them. "I didn't really get to know how Tuesday went"

With my busy schedule on Tuesday and my busier one on Wednesday, I didn't really had time to talk to them. Rome gave me the rough sketch of their trip to the amusement park, where Jake was stuck as the third wheel, I'm sure, but I wanted to hear more about it.

"I'll tell you about that" Jake says as he pulls me by his side and towards the class. I turn around and give a wink to Amanda, causing her to blush. "I wish you were there. I seriously do" Jake mutters, making me laugh.

"I know. You left early, didn't you?" I ask as I take my seat beside him. He grins and says, "It was getting harder for them to keep me involved in their conversation with every passing second" I chuckle.

"I wonder how it didn't end up with Rome giving her a goodnight kiss" I say in a dreamy voice. "He really likes her. Doesn't want to scare her away" Jake says

"That's obvious from the way he always texts her back within five minutes" we both laugh. "We really need to fix a work date. We're running out of time" Amanda says as she sits in her place, Rome hot on her heels.

"I was thinking about tomorrow" I say. "Amanda has work at four" Rome says while going through his phone. His fingers stop scrolling abruptly, his eyes widening in realization.

"You sound like her boyfriend" Jake teases him, to which he slowly raises his head, shooting daggers. "He's just observant, right, Rome?" I cover for his sake.

"Right" Rome mutters. I hit Ammy's leg with mine, causing her contained smile to spread across her lips.

"We'll keep it in the morning. Eleven will work?" we all agree and turn our attention to Miss Mason. "Don't embarrass him" I hiss to Jake, but he only grins.

"Someone has to" I don't complain. "And before I forget, I literally feel like you're my charger because I almost died without you" And I can't help the grin that takes over.

With the bell signalling lunch, Ammy walks as fast as she can with me teasing her all the way. "Come on, Ammy. I just want to know how your opinion has changed for him" I smirk

"Shut up" she leaps into a chair at our table, avoiding my question. But not for long. As I drag my chair out, I hear someone say, "Hey, Rosie" I turn around and immediately feel something cold and wet covering my torso.

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