Chapter Thirty

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"Hey, wait!" I hear Rhys yell from upstairs as I'm about to step out of the house. I turn around and he quickly rushes to me, stopping a mere inch away. Then, he leans in and pecks my cheek. "Good day" he says with a smile.

I'm sure I look like a tomato. Or worse, a beetroot. My eyes travel to everyone else in the room, my cheeks warm and tingling. Rosa looks delighted and I'm sure I'm gonna have to answer a hundred questions and entertain her wild imagination when I get back. Ray's trying his best to hide a smile and Rome's.... wiggling his eyebrows and making kissing faces. Ew.

"Thanks. You too" I say shyly, walking out the door. Rhys follows me. "I'm going to have a fantastic day, considering that I started it with kissing my good luck charm"

"I'm far from a good luck and you already have all the charm you need" I roll my eyes. He shakes his head with a grin.

"You know, my assignment was the best in class and it was because you helped me" he says with a shrug. "What I did was organize it. That isn't help"

"You can think whatever you want. I'll believe in what I want" my head doesn't seem to hesitate while lingering on the words 'what I want' for a while. But before I can say something else, Ryker blows the horn.

"If you're done confessing your feelings for her, I need to get to college. And she needs a ride" he comments after rolling down the window. Rhys rolls his eyes and gives me a smile, gesturing for me to climb in.

But before I get in, I quickly peck his cheek too. "Just to be sure that what you believe is true" then smiling, I take the seat beside Ryker and buckle up. I can't stop the flutter in the pit of my stomach or the urge to grin ear from ear.

"Do you like him?" I hear Ryker. It takes me a moment to realize what he's talking about. I bite my lip, thinking. Do I? I don't know what it feels like to like someone, what is to be expected after that. But I do feel something. I can't deny it. I won't be able to.

"I'm not sure if it's in that like-like way" I admit

"Well, he certainly likes you enough to take you on that cruise and buy you that bouquet of flowers" he says. Did I mention that he bought me bouquet on his way back from office yesterday? Imagine my surprise when I wake up with the smell and sight of roses filling my room. Of every colour. I was overwhelmed. Still am.

"I don't know. What if it passes quickly? What if he's just confused about what he likes? Or wants?" I ask. I'm surprised I'm doubting Rhys, but I can't put aside the voice of self preservation ringing in my head. But I'm more shocked that I just laid out my insecurities on display in front of Ryker. Without any second thoughts.

"Believe me he has never done this thing for anyone before. And he did have girlfriends. Many. But none had him smiling or babbling all day"


"Yeah. He talks about you. Much more than a person talks about another person" Ryker says, shaking his head with a dry scoff
I want to ask him what Rhys says but I doubt he'll tell me.

"Don't you.... Approve of it? That he might like me?" I ask hesitantly. I don't know why but I don't want him to dislike me being with Rhys. I don't want to come between them or something. And I sure don't want him to resent me for it.

"It's not about me approving it. If he likes you then I'm okay with it" he says coolly.

"Shouldn't you like me too if your twin does?" I ask, smiling. He gives me a glance and his lips quirk upwards "Maybe"

"What does that mean?" I raise my eyebrows and ask dramatically. "That you may grow on me with time" he explains, smiling.

"Will it only happen if I'm with Rhys?" I ask

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