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Jahseh pov

I walked up to the front door that now was empty and lifeless, no niggas out here.

I stared around the house for a second and then knocked on the door.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone peek at me out the window carefully.

That's what a peephole is for you sped.

The door opened hesitantly.

"Im here for Taylor's stuff" I said and kept complete eye contact.

"Ohh" the guy standing at the door said leaned against the frame.

He took another puff of his blunt and blew the smoke in my face.

"Damn jahseh, you the one fucking Taylor" he said.

For a minute I paused to figure out why he knew my name but then I remembered everyone around here knew my name.

I wouldn't say I'm popular but I get around and I make music, I'm not famous yet but people in my area definitely know of me.

"I'm not fucking he-" I said

"Don't fucking lie nigga" a dude said as he emerged out of the back of the house.

I was figuring that must be him, I saw her go back there when I dropped her off.

"Oh I'm sorry, I havent fucked her but I could if I wanted to" I said and gave a smug smile.

But he didn't look impressed.

"Whatever that whore will fuck anybody" he said and walked up to me.

"Wtf you doing here and where is she" he said and gave me a grin

"1 back the fuck up and that's none of yo business, I'm here to get her stuff" I said and looked up at him.

I might be a short nigga but I'm not no pussy.

"Im not tryna fight you jahseh" he said and chuckled as he took another hit of his friends blunt.

The worst that could happen rn is these pussy niggas could shoot me cause I know damn well nobody finna fist fight with me, these niggas obviously know me so they know better.

"Just give me her medicine" I said and mugged him.

"oh nah, she won't be needing that she'll be back here soon" he said and gave me a smirk.

"I'm only gonna ask one more time" I said and took a deep breath in.

"Or what" he said and lifted his shirt.

In his pants was a glock and he smiled at me.

He just fucked up.

I walked out of the house and back to my car.

I started it up and drove off as they watched and laughed from in the house.

As I was driving I told my car to dial stokeleys number.

"Wassup, you get it?" Stokeley said

"Nah bro bu-" I said

I couldn't finish because of the overwhelming sound of chips crunching on the other line.


"Damn my bad" he said and chuckled.

" I didn't get the meds, they had guns" I said and chuckled.

"Damn, maybe she can pick up some more" he said

"What? No that's not stopping us Im getting those meds I ain't scared of them Pussy boys" I said as I sparked up

"Nigga you're crazy as fuck" he said and chuckled.

"There's a difference between a pussy with a gun and a real nigga with a gun remember that" I said

"A gun is a gun you weird" stokeley said and laughed.

"Whatever, where is Taylor?" I said and took another puff of my cig.

"she's sleeping in my room, she sleeps curled up in a little ball it's cute" he said and chuckled.

I smiled but didn't say a word.

"I'll be home soon I'm gonna pick her up some food" I said and hung up.

15 minutes later later

I walked into the house and other than the cartoons playing on the tv, it was silent.

I kicked my forces off and walked up the stairs to stokeleys room.

I opened the door and saw Taylor in a ball on his bed sleeping peacefully.

I didn't know where stokeley was but I'm sure he's fine.

"Hey" I said and put my hand on her thigh shaking her gently

She started to moan and groan slowly opening her eyes.

I quickly took my hand off her thigh and chuckled at her little sounds.

I sound like a fucking pervert..

"I got you food" I said and sat it in front of her.

She sat up and smiled at me before taking her food out of the bag.

"Did you get my meds?" She said and looked at me as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"Nah but I'll get it soon trust me" I said and continued to watch her.

She didn't look convinced but she gave me a weak smile and continued to eat.

She was eating a little fast.

"Why are you always so hungry?" I said and raised a brow.

When I said that she stopped and started chewing slowly.

I think I made her uncomfortable.

Fuck the one thing my mom told me is never comment on a woman's eating and look wtf I did.

"Oh my bad I was just curious" I said and reassured her.

"No it's ok" she said and continued to eat.

"As you know I lived with my ex, and we argue a lot so I don't really get to eat a lot there no one cooks they only order food, and when it gets there I only get a little and that's on a good day" she said

I sat there and listened, I was heated at the thought of him starving her but I let her finish.

"Sometimes my friends will send me money so I can go get food but I don't ask them unless I really haven't eaten at all in days cause I don't like to take handouts" she said and took another bite of her food.

"So those days..all the days I see you rushing to the cafeteria, you were starving?" I said and frowned.

She paused for a second and turned to me, studying my face.

"Yes" she said

She had a straight face but I could tell she was surprised by the expression in her eyes.

"I didn't think anyone actually payed that much attention to me to know I was rushing" she said

I couldn't really say anything.

I leaned in a hugged Taylor tight, it lasted for about a minute.

I just needed her to know I loved her.
More than she knew.

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