Chapter One

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Jermy I got it, you don't need to remind me. I'm the big sister remember? "I know I know, I'm just gonna miss you and I kinda don't want you to go, Is that so bad?" That was Jermy. the protective little brother who seemed to forget that being the firstborn makes you the elder sibling.  But nooo, he insisted on playing the 'older brother' because apparently I couldn't look out for myself. Can't blame him though, he wasn't the only one who was skeptical about going to a college that was 13 hours away in a new place with new people and no one you know. 

"Is that the last of it?" He said as he grabbed the last box to rampantly dump it in the back of my car. Yeah, that's the last of it, unless you can convince me to pack the fridge, dishwasher, and washing machine! Jer I got it. I'm not leaving forever and plus, you couldn't possibly love me that much. "I don't.." He said with a tinge of pink creeping into his freckled cheeks. He hates to admit it, but he does, he just doesn't like to admit it and that gets him to shut up. I know it's not very nice, but I have a plane to catch, and if I hear anymore he might just change my mind and I couldn't have him doing that, so yeah, I pulled that card. 

I walked around the car to give him one last hug. He's all I have, and I was leaving him for a bunch of books and a promised bogus future. But, I didn't have a choice, it was the only way I could ready my foundation and take care of him. 

With mom in the wind and a no-show dad, it was up to me to be a role model and prepare myself to take care of him. Uncle Shaw and Aunt Jenna took us in after mom decided that her junkie boyfriend was more important than raising her kids and being a parent.

But if we're being honest we are better off without her. Uncle Shaw and Aunt Jenna made sure that we never missed out on anything, and treated us like their own. Aunt Jenna was the one who convinced me to apply out of state, so I could have a chance to live for me. I was a bit of a hover-mother when it came to Jermy. He was a literal baby when our mother of the year decided it was okay to do crack over his baby stool. So honestly, you can't blame me.

Pulling away from him, I could see the pools of water welling up in his eyes, this boy. I pulled him in for another hug. As he's busy sobbing into my pullover, Aunt Jenna comes out holding Tupperware full of her famous coffee cake. Yes, I'm a sucker for caffeine in literally any form.

"Jer she's gonna visit, you can let go now." Auntie J chuckles as she pries Jermy off me. She's gonna make me cry.  "Can she visit every weekend? She's gonna miss movie Mondays and chicken Tuesdays and.." "She's not gonna miss anything but her flight if you don't let  her go!" She said finally plucking him off my now wet shoulder. Jer I'm gonna miss you too, but Auntie J's right. I gotta go. "Fine, but don't forget to call, I've got my own phone now!" He said wiping his face. I won't. I'll call every day. Just don't forget to feed bob, and don't stay up too late, and just don't do anything I wouldn't. 

I kiss his forehead and hug Aunt Jenna. "Passport?" Check. "Wallet?" Check. "Tickets and.." Auntie I've got everything! I gotta go now, I'll be fine. I'll call as soon as I check-in, and when I land. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I say as I untangle myself from the now group hug.

I've got this feeling in my chest, Excitement, Regret, Nostalgia. So many things I just don't know what to do with. I smile as I wave goodbye, pulling away from our driveway and driving towards the main road. 

I say goodbye to not just my family, but my favorite street, and everything familiar. The one thing I was never good at was goodbye. And I had a funny feeling that it wouldn't stick.

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